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Were people really more respectful in the old days?

by lizzi (follow)
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Were people really more respectful in "the good ole days"? Or were people just less politically correct and so it just seemed like people were more respectful? Can the definitions of respect change over time?

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They were more respectful.

I have lived in those times, and can say life was a lot more nicer.
One would never ever think of cussing out ''older people''.
In my day, you would never talk back to your parents, and if you did it was a very shameful thing to do.
The definition has changed over time, it is like anything else in life.

I have seen a huge change in life in the last 30 years, and unless one has lived it, you really have no point of reference.

In days before it was a important part of life, how you carried yourself.
Part of society, and for those who read about this, and snub their noses, they haven't a clue what it meant, and how it was just a part of a time now long gone.
I am a polite person and respectful of older people. But, I have had a lot of unfortunate run-ins with elderly people, being extremely rude. I don't think it is necessarily a generational thing.
One of the sad things about the Elderly is that they do tend to become upset and at times rude....All part of the brain aging.
I fully understand what you are saying.I give a wide berth for the elderly, because of this.
by jonaja
Usually when people reminisce about the "good ole days" they seem to be fondly remembering a time that never really existed. It usually seems to come from a place of privilege, remembering how much better things were when your class got an easier time of it at someone else's expense. People certainly were less politically correct in the past, ie. outright racist, misogynist, xenophobic, ablist etc. What was seen as being respectful a few decades ago would now rightly be seen as letting bigots get away with discrimination and hate speech.
I'm really inclined to agree. I think that what we consider 'respect' was not necessarily as prevalent as our elders would have us believe.
by lizzi
No, people were no more respectful 50, 100, or 1000 years ago! People are people. Some are respectful and polite, some aren't. If you research this, you can find examples of people complaining about how "the youth of today are not as respectful as they used to be when I was young" since the dawn of time or at least since records began.
Plato wrote this, around 380BC:
"What is happening to our young
people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They
ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions.
Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"

There are also a lot of recorded incidents of trouble and disrespect from apprentices in London in medieval times. The Guild Elders, who were very pompous types, thought they should be treated respectfully and the apprentices were often being hauled up in front of magistrates for failing to doff their caps etc....
I think it has changed over time.

The opinion that is put on young people like me these days is that people back in the "old days" were more respectful, however I'm sure as with everything there are always exceptions to that.
I think people have always just been people, because based on the "people were nicer in my day" stuff that I've encountered, there isn't anyone alive who remembers when people were nice. If they ARE still alive they're 110.

People are people, some are nice, some are arseholes. Some things never change!
So true!
by lizzi
In certain spheres there was more respect. As it relates to the parent-child relationship, I think chidren respected their parents (and elders on a whole) more. There has always been respect issues where gender and race are concerned.
Yes definitely. A recent example was last week at the cinema. The film had finished and we were filing into the aisle. The elderly lady who sat on the aisle seat behind us got up and teenagers and younger people just filed past her not letting her get into the aisle. We let her in then she got to the door and a teenager just let the exit door go and it closed right on her, nearly hitting her. It is with continued disappointment that I see examples of disrespect and more often these days.
I use public transport. Several times I have seen men offer their seat to women who have been standing. I thought this was showing respect, but some of these women have not only refused the seat but have been quite rude. Obviously times have changed and not for the better.
Yes. These days everyone is out for themselves only. The 'rudeness' I see every day never ceases to amaze (& upset) me.
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