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Was it wrong to have nude female models at the Women's Health magazine's ‘I Support Women in Sport’ awards?

by Vee (follow)
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Model body paint
Attribution: by Eva, via Wikimedia Commons. Appropriated by Vee.

I have never heard of the ‘I Support Women in Sport’ awards, but I would expect the event to honour and celebrate the genuine sporting efforts of women in the sporting arena. What I would not anticipate is a sexualised spectacle undermining the calibre of these women and their successes in their professional lives.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened at this year’s event. Nude female models wearing only underwear, nipple covers and body paint posing as athletes stood along actual female athletes. For what reason? Probably to remind us that women in today’s world cannot attract any serious attention for genuinely being good at what they do without being naked too.

Was it wrong to have nude female models at the Women's Health magazine's ‘I Support Women in Sport’ awards?

Did their presence undermine the success of our female sporting legends?

If you were a female athlete at the awards how would you have felt to have your success overshadowed by the presence of nude models posing as athletes?

What does the presence of these models suggest about the way women are appreciated in the sporting world?

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To say it was wrong would be an understatement, and to say that these women are appreciated solely on their sporting abilities would be a joke.
by Vee
I totally agree.
by jonaja
I agree!
Not something that shows women in a serious light.

I am all for the naked body, in the 'art's'.
Not in sport's totally different.

Plus, some have quite large breast's...OMG!!!
LOL! jonaj, what the heck is with that picture?! I had to crop the one I put up because I didn't want to put boobies up there, lol.
by Vee
Doesn't matter Vee, no person is going to be seeing the boobies, they'll just look beyond them and be admiring the thigh muscles, biceps etc. and be weighing up the athlete's potential in upcoming sports events. Uncovered won't matter a jot - boobies are of no interest to anyone.
by fran.
Oh fran.
by Vee
No doubt there are women in there who've had their breasts 'augmented'.
by Vee
I needed a pic that had relevance, to give the subject credence, because it shows how far some women go...I like the saying a picture says a thousand words..Can't help myself sometimes :(
by jonaja
That is completely contradictory. How can you say your'e supporting women's abilities when all you are doing it exploiting their assets?
by jonaja
It was an absolute disgrace. When men's sport is showcased do they parade naked, painted men about or do they focus on the athletes?

Yup your right!
by jonaja
Oh, I thought it was Debbie Does Dallas. *smh*
by Rice
Sorry, but in reality nudism and sex sells, and is quite often used inappropriatly, male and females being exploited there.
Have nude promotional staff at nude events, but not at sporting or sports person recognition events.

BUT, c'mon, what has this question got to do with the subject? Nothing, those women were not nude - "Nude female models wearing only underwear, nipple covers and body paint".

Hat and shoes are all that is allowed to be worn and to still be called nude. It implies seeing the genitals and female nipples, and any covering of these means clothed and or non nude.
People think that "sport" is different when it is just another entertainment industry and sex sells. Especially to other women, never really understood why but it does, otherwise the magazines would not put it in there magazines would they?
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