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The hair comb or the hair brush?

by Ennvy.c (follow)
Beauty (142)     
Both the hair comb and hair brush is an instrument to groom, style and untangle hair, but are there any differences?
Is there one more suited for brushing short hair compared to long hair?

What are your thoughts and which one do you tend to use more?

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I have long wavy hair that I often straighten. I mostly use a wide tooth comb which is great especially for when your hair is wet. It helps to get the knots out of each strand very quickly and easily.
It's interesting hearing all these different answers, for me I had my hair cut short last year but it has grown long again. I have fairly thin hair and I tend to have a favourite comb that I use. I hate using other combs or hair brushes unless I have no other choice e.g. misplaced my favourite comb but don't have the time to find it!
Love my wide toothed comb! Helps me through the tangliest of knots!
Combs seem to tangle in long hair, unless it has just been washed with condition. Brushes seem to be a little more user-friendly. However, it is the one that causes the least pain which should be the "weapon" of choice!
I have thick, curly hair which is why I find a wide tooth comb friendlier than a brush. The comb gets rid of the knots easily and brushes each strand carefully.
I prefer a wide tooth comb for my wavy hair
I've got thin, fine hair and can only dream about long wavy locks. I use a brush and it works well for me.
Combs seem to tangle in long hair, unless it has just been washed with condition. Brushes seem to be a little more user-friendly. However, it is the one that causes the least pain which should be the "weapon" of choice!
When you have hair that you need to wash frequently, either because of exercise or for another reason, I'd go with the comb. Brushing can exacerbate frizziness.
Definitely the hair brush. I have long hair which gets tangled and can't imagine trying to manage it with a comb.
I have quite thick wavy, occasionally curly, hair. Generally I avoid brushing/combing all together unless I'm straightening my hair (in which case I use a brush). I do sometimes use things like smoothing serums if I'm not brushing or straightening my hair, then I just use my fingers as a bit of a comb.

I've always had a bit of an aversion to combs. I don't know why.
I like using a hair brush more! It just works better with my hair, it's thick and curly.
by WSW
I prefer the comb and I bring it along with me when I go out but I use both.
I use a wide toothed comb when my curly hair is wet too, and a brush for when it is dry.
I use wide toothed comb.
The idea of combing my hair frightens me; I can barely get a brush through it, but when I have to, I always brush my hair.
The brush daily, and the comb after I wash.

I have very short hair so a quick brush is enough.
by Finy
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