Some cultures eat the eyes of animals - would you?
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I was brought up not to say YUK to ANY food as what we here think is awful, is perfectly normal for other people and/or cultures.
I therefore would probably try them though may have a problem as there are a few foods that, while I would not say yuk, that I would hesitate to try.
I was also taught to try before rejecting food!
Well Done You!!! You are much braver than I am,that's for sure!!!
Not in a thousand years - not in a 100 thousand years! My stomach is churning just thinking about it. Gross.
No I wouldn't try to eat an eye
If I was unaware of what it was,that I was eating,then the answer is yes,even if my body violently rejected it on learning what I had just eaten!.However, I am sorry,but I would not be able to willingly even think about it,let alone do it!!!!
not by choice, but accidentally I ate one of a fish that was in a soup. It made me want to yak! so no, I wouldn't do it again.
No. YUK !!! I couldn't eat something whilst it is still looking at me. Just because I is ok in some cultures, I don't have to eat something that is not okay to eat in my ( Australian ) culture.
At what nutritional value to me?
So, no, wouldn't indulge.
Have better gastronomic items to ingest, both physically, & psychologically!
Yes! Its the best part, especially if its fish! I understand how some other cultures might find it - unappetising, but most asian, eastern european, middle eastern and african cultures see it as a delicacy. At the very least try it before you knock it!
Oh I am so pleased that one person agrees that food is not "yukk" just because it is different to what we are used to.....I think this practise is very Australian.
No way. I eat brains, but the idea of biting into an eye turns my stomach
I don't like the idea of eating eyes at all. Its not appetizing at all. No way.
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