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Some cultures eat the eyes of animals - would you?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Some cultures eat the eyes of animals.
Would you ever TRY these if given the opportunity?

#Edible eyes
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I was brought up not to say YUK to ANY food as what we here think is awful, is perfectly normal for other people and/or cultures.

I therefore would probably try them though may have a problem as there are a few foods that, while I would not say yuk, that I would hesitate to try.

I was also taught to try before rejecting food!
by Finy
Well Done You!!! You are much braver than I am,that's for sure!!!
by Jules
by Rice
love that reply!
by jonaja
Not in a thousand years - not in a 100 thousand years! My stomach is churning just thinking about it. Gross.
No I wouldn't try to eat an eye
by AJ
Love yours too!! LOL
by Rice
by jonaja
If I was unaware of what it was,that I was eating,then the answer is yes,even if my body violently rejected it on learning what I had just eaten!.However, I am sorry,but I would not be able to willingly even think about it,let alone do it!!!!
not by choice, but accidentally I ate one of a fish that was in a soup. It made me want to yak! so no, I wouldn't do it again.
No. YUK !!! I couldn't eat something whilst it is still looking at me. Just because I is ok in some cultures, I don't have to eat something that is not okay to eat in my ( Australian ) culture.
At what nutritional value to me?

So, no, wouldn't indulge.

Have better gastronomic items to ingest, both physically, & psychologically!
by Vee
Yes! Its the best part, especially if its fish! I understand how some other cultures might find it - unappetising, but most asian, eastern european, middle eastern and african cultures see it as a delicacy. At the very least try it before you knock it!
Oh I am so pleased that one person agrees that food is not "yukk" just because it is different to what we are used to.....I think this practise is very Australian.
by Finy
No way. I eat brains, but the idea of biting into an eye turns my stomach
I don't like the idea of eating eyes at all. Its not appetizing at all. No way.
No thank you!
by Miro
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