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Singing while driving?

by Rich Nicolls (follow)
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from dreamtime.com

Do you love singing when driving? What is that one song that gets you drumming on your steering wheel?

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I sometimes sing in the car. Certainly more often than in the shower!
Don't forget to wind the windows down and sing to the world!
There is nothing better than belting it out to a favourite song while driving. This is exactly what we do. Kids, husband and I:) We do this quite often. By the time we reach our destination on long trips, most of us have no voice left! A whole heap of fun!
I don't drive ,but I love to sing during the drive. That's my favourite passtime
I am all about singing in the car! singing is a super-healthy activity, it's promotes proper breathing and good lung capacity, it's de-stressing and it's just plain fun!
Sometimes I sing along, if I am by myself. I mostly listen to talk back radio when I am driving.
I love it an I'm not shy letting the people in the car next to me know what I'm belting out.
All the time...
If I am in the mood, I will sing like my life depends on it. It can be a lot of fun and help to de-stress.
by Vee
I'm all for it! Whatever is on the radio, I'll sing!
I like singing in the car, the songs that gets me drumming on my steering wheel are many but the one very often comes automatically is "wonders never cease"
Certainly do, use to be my favourite past time with my daughter. We would sing loud and proud with the windows of the car up. If we could get the passengers in another car to turn it was hysterical. It was sort of like car version of "THE VOICE" the aim is to get them to turn their heads not their chair. Oh, and of course there was no lucrative recording contract!
I love to sing the Buffy the Vampire Slayer songs while driving in my car. Of course, I am totally off key but who cares! This is me with my fav characters singing out a scene revealing their deepest secrets and fears because they literally cannot help it. I love this.
Always - No one can hear you in the car. I hope. "A Hero Lies In You" by Whitney Houston makes me sing loud and then cry. I hope I am not sitting at the lights when I cry.
My current sing-it-loud song is Que Sera (Justice Crew), which is generally on the radio at least once whenever I'm driving anywhere! A few months back it Katy Perry's Roar. It lifts my mood, expands my lungs and give other drivers something to smile at!
I used to sing in the car all the time. Loudly. Embarrassingly loudly. But these days I very rarely listen to music in the car. Most of my trips are too short to bother and if I am going on a long trip I prefer audio books or podcasts.

I did have a bad habit of singing along to my iPod whilst on my ride on mower though.
The best feeling in the world is rolling down the windows and singing at the top of your lungs, doesn’t matter how stupid you look.
Often, especially when sitting in the front with my mum! Ohh the looks we are given when singing at the top of our lungs to Bohemian Rhapsody! I love my mummy! aha.
Ummm, nope!
I listen to audio cassette tapes of music/various singers taped from my CD's, as don't believe in leaving CD's in the car.
I've a portable battery powered CD/Audio/Radio player, that runs on 8 x D cell's. They last me 5-6 months'.
Keeps me very relaxed whilst driving, enabling me to concentrate, on the job at hand.
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