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Should you hold out for a dream job or take what's available?

by annep (follow)
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Photo: Pexels.com

With a lot of people still unemployed, should we still wait for a dream job?

Or is it better to just take whatever job is on offer even though we might end up hating it later?

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A wise person once said, "take want you can get until you get what you want"

by Gia
I'm not sure. It's expected that everyone should get a job to cover their living expenses, but to be stuck with a job that we hate for years to come does not sound like an attractive prospect.
The short answer is "it depends".

If you need money immediately to pay your rent or debts etc. then you probably can't hold out for your dream job and need to take something else in the meantime. That doesn't mean it's always better to take "whatever job is available" though. The kind of jobs that are pretty much always available are often truly awful, and it might be better not to take a job where they are offering you less than the award wage, or have unsafe conditions or want you to do something that is against your personal principles (stripping, ripping off the elderly by selling dodgy products, cutting the beaks off baby chickens...). If you're lucky you can find a compromise in a job that might not be what you wanted but which doesn't make you hate yourself.
You should work....and also have a plan to ''work-towards-your-dream-job''

I did and it paid off.
A dream job is not about just good money....it is about being happy to go to work....and loving what you do.

If your 1st choice is out of reach, then you need a 2nd and 3rd choice.

One way to find what 'could' be your dream job is to write down what you like to do.
What you are good at.
How to combine the two together.
I'm very luckily in a position where I can afford to keep waiting for (well...working towards!) my dream job. I think that if you are in a job that you hate that can impact on your health and wellbeing and I also think that sometimes it's better to have a longer blank space on your resume than LOTS of short jobs because you keep quitting jobs you hate. But if you are in a position where you desperately need the money then you don't really have much choice.
When I left School after Grade XII, I worked at four different jobs in four months, each one 'improving' from the last.

I had applied for my 'dream job' upon getting my Examination results. I was called in for First Interview three months' after that Application. I had Second Interview a week later, at which time I was told 'you've got the job'. Started two weeks' later.

I just 'floated' out of the Manager's Office, I was SO thrilled, because I'd decided that was THE job I wanted, by then, 15 months' earlier, on a School Bus Tour to Snowy Mtns & Melbourne.

I was employed for a total of 35 years' with that Company. I loved the various 'jobs' I could do within 'the job'.

I'd pursued 'my dream', got it, lived, & loved it!
I consider that 'richer than gold'!
I was VERY fortunate!
I've just taken a job that was available, rather than be unemployed, but too many little stints of work on a resume can make it seem like (and I've been asked this in interviews) that I won't be able to stay in/hold down a job for longer than a few months.
You do not need to include everything. Edit it to market yourself as best as possible.
by Gia
This is a tough one. There is no reason one cannot take what is available while keeping an eye out for the 'dream job' they hope to get.
by Vee
Yep, exactly.
by poppy
That depends entirely on how bad you need the mooney.
Basically it is important to have a job you look forward to going to every day.
by Finy
Take what's available, though you can still keep looking. If you think you can just keep holding out, you'll end up like my useless moron nephew who, at 33, has still never had a job and just sits around leeching the public purse on welfare. His dream job is to be a mega-famous Hollywood actor (Hello? Reality check anyone?).
Thanks for posting, Poppy. I have always felt guilty for not yet having a "proper" job as my husband and I had our children as I was leaving uni, but this makes me feel better. LOL...sorry about your nephew.
by Vee
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