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Should there be a cut-off age for women to wear mini-skirts?

by EricaL (follow)
Fashion (139)      Age (27)     
Some women are happy to bare their legs by wearing the shortest of micro-miniskirts, which barely cover their exposed thighs.

Fashion trends can play a big part in the decision to wear short skirts - think of the "Swinging Sixties" during a time when the hemline of a woman's skirts first lifted well above the knee.

For others, the choice to wear a micro-miniskirt might be an empowering one, feeling it necessary to show off their long legs matched with sky scraper heels.

Is there a time in a women's life when she must retire her micro-mini, and choose a skirt length more appropriate to her age or time in her life? If so, when might that be?

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I don't think that anyone should be dictated to as to how they 'should' dress, regardless of age or gender. After all, there are plenty of much younger women who don't look so hot in micro minnies either, not just those who are older. I do agree with Annie, though, that it's not so appropriate for very young girls to wear them. It's tragic that many little girls don't have the chance to be simply children, rather than mini adults.
Nope. I plan to start wearing minis in the nursing home. Lock up your sons!
Yes there definitely should be but that being said there should be an start age for them too. You see so many tween girls wearing them, it's not right!
If you've got the legs to pull it off then I say 'Go For It'

I think it's less about the age and more about if you can carry it off. Sometimes a skirt with a little more length can be much more flattering.
No! Let's not shame women for their sartorial choices hey, especially when there's so many men around who are willing to do the job for us.

Great question Erica.
Hear, hear!
It depends on what people want. Personally, mini-skirts is more a teenage past-time...
No, absolutely not. It's for the individual to wear what he/she wants to. Not for anyone else to decide.
Agree, whole-heartedly!
by donjo
I think even if a woman in her 40's has a great pair of legs, and nice figure it can be maybe a time to lower that hem line.

Mini skirts are something young women can really wear.
Even in their 30's.

But after say 38 - 39 a woman takes on a sophisticated look in face, manner, walk...Mini Skirts just don't work...It look's odd and off balance.

As for the Micro-mini!!

Well that's a very short Mini, and maybe should only be worn be very young girls.If they must.

Minis are not for me, but to each his own on this matter.
No one over 20 shd wear them, especially if wearing flip flops, have varicose veins, pillar legs/ankles. Mini skirts are for teenagers.
They are unattractive on older females and no one needs them anymore. Many have spotty, unhealthy, unattractive flesh oozing out of tight, bad fitting clothes already. We've all seen too much = put it away! No one is interested any more.
I agree with Jennifer, mini skirts always looks good and I'll be chasing her around the home having fun :)

How could there be such a thing!
It is up to the individual as to how long they want to wear a mini skirt, not up to an outside to dictate to anyone.

I would not wear one anymore as my knees are not as nice as they were (naturally) when I was young and for that matter, I guess nor are my legs as gravity sets in everywhere, so I do not see how anyone could say there is an age where you cannot wear any thing.

Also there are many young people who "should not" be wearing mini skirts, but that is only MY opinion and is not therefore correct or incorrect, but merely MY opinion.
by Finy
I loved miniskirts in 1960s but definitely there is a fine line at a certain age that miniskirts should not be worn. I don't know if its a specific age thing but women at some stage lose the "tone" they had in their teenage years. I don't think it is a muscle thing but maybe more of a skin thing.
The other MAJOR difference between wearing a mini in 1960s and wearing one now (at any age) is IMO only, the fact that in the 1960s they were not worn with stiletto or very high heels. Nowadays they are. In the 1960s they were worn with flat shoes (not ballet flats) but very low heels and visually it makes a whole lot of difference. The shift dress worn in the 1960s were very short and still somehow didn't look as bad as say a mini in the bandage style dresses or skirts worn today. Stockings or rather pantihose were worn in 1960s and lots of times those pantihose were white.But now bare legs are sported and the look is very different. In the 1960s older women also wore much shorter or above knee dresses and skirts but, I think because they wore stockings, a few older ladies got away with it (once again - got away with it more than older ladies wearing miniskirts without stockings).
Maybe it is knowing "how" to wear certain styles.
Whatever, certainly in the 1960s there were young and old ladies who should never have gone within cooee of a miniskirt. My sister-in-law was one such girl but her MOTHER insisted that having big legs should not deter her from having as much fun as other girls. I never got over the fact that a mother could do that to her own child. I know that comment will upset some other commenters here.
by fran.
Oh God yeah. I'm all for freedom of choice, but at some point ladies, it just doesn't look flattering anymore.
Wear mini skirts if it pleases you and no-one else. Do "we" actually know when to stop wearing the short skirts or doesn't it really matter? I no longer have the legs or figure for short skirts but think I still look good with the length just above the knee, wear with tights or leggings too. If it feels comfortable and you think you look good then go ahead...
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