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Should the government go ahead with the proposed airport in Western Sydney?

by Vee (follow)
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logo airport
‘Say NO to Badgerys Creek Airport’ logo sourced from Facebook

For years the government and parties for the idea have been trying to convince us of the advantages of building an airport at Badgery’s Creek, but I’m not sold.

Western Sydney is in a basin. Couple this with the guarantee of increased road and air traffic, if the government’s plans go ahead, and you have yourself a recipe for a toxic cocktail of air pollution. For the people of Western Sydney, this means an increased risk of asthma and respiratory diseases, an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, and an increased risk of cancer. Not only that, but noise pollution will too be a problem twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

But there will be jobs they say. Jobs for whom, I ask? There are no guarantees that the employment opportunities created by a second airport will benefit those in the West. And who will foot the bill for home insulation from the noise? Not the government because there will be no funding.

Should the government go ahead with the proposed airport in Western Sydney? Why or why not?

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I live in north western Sydney, and I'm hearing you.
For me I would say NO Airport, but they won't listen...they always do what they want anyway.
I do understand the need, but at what cost?
I know, that's what I told the group that asked me to sign their petition. We can petition all we like, but they've been planning this for a long time, and they won't let anything or anyone stand in their way.
by Vee
Exactly Vee.
by jonaja
Although I'm in England, we have a similar issue here. Despite environmental and social protests, the government is determined to either expand or build a new airport. I am completely against it. The last thing we need is more air and noise pollution. Since I am against it here, I'd be against it for any other country as well.
Tough one. Clearly there isn't enough capacity at Sydney airport. But I'm not really going to be affected by a new airport. Is there somewhere else it could go?
I'm sure there are other places. Having said that, apparently, there are also plenty of slots available at Sydney airport. Also, why would this one be operational twenty-four hours a day, when the one at Sydney isn't? It just doesn't make sense.
by Vee
I see both sides of the argument. One of the considerations is that Sydney is a city that has experienced a population explosion and with an increase in population, there is an increase in demand of services, including air travel. Consider all the people living in the Western suburbs who travel across the city whenever they need to fly. Just the fact that they are driving or taking a cab is also adding to the air and noise pollution.
However, a more suitable site should be considered as you say that the current proposed site is in a basin.
Anyhow, since I don't live in Sydney, the decision will not affect me directly, but I hear about the tension that this question is causing some of the local residents.
We live in Melbourne in South Eastern region, where there is no airport, and I would advocate for the need for one. We have to travel 1.5 hours to get to the Tullamarine airport. I have heard of people missing their flights due to traffic congestion.
Curiosity question.......was Tullamarine Airport in place BEFORE you bought your land/house?
If so, you knew the distance/time involved to get there.
Now, you just need to leave earlier, & factor-in traffic delays with a +30 minutes' at least.
by donjo
Good question, Vee!
They have been talking about it for so long and Sydney airport has been inadequate for so long, that I guess they should.

However I have no idea of the logistics, costs and how they could possibly organise SOME aircraft going there.

Same as Melbourne perhaps but I always opt for the airline that flies into Melbourne at the main airport!

So, a difficult question!
by Finy
Thanks Finy. :)
by Vee
Ah! Who's best to benefit? The 'minority' flying, or the 'majority' living nearby?

Same problem's happening here, but will be alleviated when current 'airfield' is upgraded to 'airport', with runways' extended, & other infrastructure put in place for cater for Boeing 737 & Q100 aircrafts, by 2020.

In this Country, when various Airports built, they were miles away from 'suburbia'. Now x years' later, 'suburbia' has expanded, due population movement, practically to airport boundaries'.
Where's here donjo?
by Vee
Oh! Vee, sunny, touristy Qld! Cheers!
by donjo
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