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Should the Australian Federal Government do more to assist Julian Assange?

by Vee (follow)
Government (15)      Activism (14)      Human rights (5)     

‘Sydney Wikileaks 2010-Dec-10’ by Elekhh

Julian Assange has been holed-up in the UK for over three years now. What’s more, no charges have even been laid. It’s about time the Australian Federal Government stop dragging their feet and do more, much more, to help Julian Assange reclaim his freedom.

Do you think the Australian Government should do more to help Assange?

#Human rights
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I think so. With wiki leaks, many people have purported that he has made a true point.
In my opinion....People may hate him, some may like him....but! whatever it is,
he is one of a kind.
He has courage in my opinion, pity the world did not have more.
Sure, he has done some things that could have been done better, but he really
did I believe..... what he thought was right.I often wonder 'how' he is, and how he is coping.Last time I did hear, he was quite unwell.
That's sad to hear. I really feel for him. His children must miss him terribly, and he them. It's such an injustice that more hasn't been done to free him. I have a 'free Julian Assange' t-shirt that I like to wear and people have stopped me on occasion and voiced their support. It's encouraging, but I'm afraid it's not enough.
by Vee
He looks like a man of 60 at the moment! with beard ect.... quite shocking.
by jonaja
The Government won't get involved because of their political ties to other countries. I guess in the eyes of the law his actions (which were hacking into a highly restricted area) is seen worse than that of a drug smuggler.
It's a controversial topic..true Aus govt will not do/say anything that could potentially affect ties with other governments. But as he is an Aussie, the govt could at least get him back here and place him in house arrest if they fear he might indulge in hacking again (govt hidden secrets or anything else). Don't let him have any device he can use to access secrets.
That way he can continue spending time with his family and also be monitored and restricted committing a crime.

Bug lets see..who am I kidding..it's not an act of one person - it's probably a group that was involved in hacking top secrets, even if he is stopped others may continue from where he left off.
All forces that keep him imprisoned there must take a deep breath and must do a reality check!!
True. It's not a one-man operation. There is a team throughout the world exposing secrets. Besides, that is not why he is wanted overseas. He allegedly molested or raped a couple of women, but that of course is a load of crap. More should certainly be done to help him. But, with people suggesting he should be whacked left, right and centre, perhaps he is safer in the embassy.
by Vee
no, why should they?
by Finy
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