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Should people be forced to vaccinate their children?

by Clare Deville (follow)
Editor in Chief of www.healthyhints.com.au
Health (523)      Vaccination (2)     
The issue of vaccination remains as contentious as ever with certain Australian state governments getting involved and pushing for stricter vaccination legislation, which would in effect, remove a parent's right to choose.

syring, vaccination, okay not to vaccinate children

The Australian Vaccination Network on the other hand, maintains it is the right of every parent to make an educated decision; what do you think?

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I think parents should be informed with more than just one side of the coin. Vaccines has been known to kill infants and have serious side effects. This side effects are never covered with parents. My friends child had the meningitis vaccine and she immediately had a high temperature and serious stomach pains. The doctors told her it was due to something she ate. Later she was admitted to hospital only to find out this can be one of the side effects. She was part of the "5%" group and was not treated for the reaction would have died. To me, that is serious information that a parent should know!
I honestly don't think parents should be forced to vaccinate, I believe it should be a personal choice. Yes there are many risks associated by not vaccinating, but with the right information given to parents as to the side effects, the pro's and con's, it should be the decision of the parent. I for one am pro-vac, but know friends that are not, and respect their decision.
I think this is a difficult question. While vaccination should be a personal choice in some instances, the fact is that parents who choose not to immunise their children are relying on 'herd immunity'. That is, the fact that all th ekids around them are immunised. There are studies that show diseases like whooping cough are returning in areas such as Byron Bay where kids immunisation uptake is low.

Having said that, I don't think it's necessary that babies are innundated with vaccines, sometimes up to seven in one injection. I think that causes stress, not immunity.
No I don't think parents should be 'forced' but I do wish that they would just do it anyway. In the absence of a very good reason (such as medical conditions or religious reason), I think it's borderline child neglect to refuse.
Parents need to be well informed, and given the choice.
I believe they should be made to. The cost to someone else,who could very well become very sick or die.So if i decide not to vaccinate my child that's OK ! But its OK or my child to give some life threatening disease to someone else.COME ON CUP CAKES MAN UP!!!
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