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Should parents counsel their teenagers about their romance problems?

by annlu (follow)
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(photo Annlu)

The safest place for teenagers to discuss their romance woes is said to be in the safety of their own home and with their parents. Is this the best approach or should teenagers be encouraged to talk to older siblings, an independent counselor or their friends?

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I would encourage my children to talk to me and my husband about this. I think open and honest communication is key to developing loving, trusting and supportive relationships. Besides, some studies have shown that children who are able to discuss these things with their parents are less likely to be sexually 'irresponsible'. They are also likely to feel more secure in their relationships with others.
by Vee
If you know your child is having problems then you should talk about them, but a lot of teenagers are too private or embarrassed to talk to parents about it. If they are unwilling, then maybe a sibling would feel more comfortable for them. There is no pointing counselling them if they aren't willing to listen because they'll just feel like they're being lectured.
I always did with my boys but we have always had a very close and trusting relationship. I had the same with my mother so I guess it rubbed off.

If children feel comfortable enough to talk to their parents, then why not. Parents would be the best people to give advice, as they know their children best and have more experience than their children in worldly affairs. I personally never spoke to my parents, but I hope that my children will talk to me.
No i dont think parents can actually counsel on this.

I would encourage them to talk to me about their problems however I do not think it is a tangible enough subject to actually counsel on -too many ifs and buts.
by Finy
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