I am a big fan of education of any sort and I always think that it is a dangerous stand to take when you declare to know all there is to know on a particular subject. We can all improve and grow in whatever task we are involved in.
We learn to parent from our parents which makes it a bit of a lottery really. Great if you had good parents not so great if you don't. The statistics indicate that there is a considerable amount of not so good parenting going on.
What concerns me even more is the volume of incidents which haven't been reported. In all likelihood they will exceed the reported events. Our society is really quick to talk about the rights of children but then becomes incredibly uncomfortable about 'intruding' into a family even when it is evident things are not right.
I can't see the harm that it would do for parents to be involved in a parenting class at the very least you will get validation of your skill set and the opportunity to meet new people.
It always strikes me as rather odd that we need to be licensed to drive a motor vehicle due to the potential danger to human life. As drivers we will also plan our trips so we arrive at the right destination.
Yet to become parents all we need is functioning anatomy and not a lot of thought. We have many unplanned pregnancies to prove that one!
Wanting to procreate and care for another human being I believe is a natural instinct however the skills to do it well are not so natural for some and I don't think it hurts to support parents with education. I would even suggest rather than wait till people are parents society would be best to introduce pre-parenting/ pre-conception classes so we can give all children the best chance possible.
It could be approached as other adult education in a collaborative way acknowledging the life skills and experience and diversity that each student brings. When we invest in our children everybody benefits and optimum childhood health and well being starts in the womb.
Well said Shelley, I completely agree with every point you've raised and actually cited some of those points in my own comment. There are aspects of parenting which are intuitive, but, like you've pointed out, we tend towards our own parents' parenting styles, which is not always a good thing. It certainly cannot hurt to try a class.