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Should men groom as much as women?

by Jamie0liversgirl (follow)
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Metrosexual, is the term for heterosexual men who openly groom and take care of their outer appearance. Should men, then, groom themselves as much as women do, and do 'we' accept it?

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Both men and women should groom themselves as much as they want to, no more, no less. It's really not anyone else's business if a man wants to pluck his eyebrows and paint his nails or if a women doesn't want to do either. The only time it has any effect on other people is if you let your personal hygiene slip to the point that you stink.
Argh, I hit enter too early again. I meant to add that men grooming themselves "as much as women" is not a new idea. Go back a few centuries and look at the way French aristicrats dressed before the revolution, for example.

This reminds me of a great quote from Hair, the Musical:
"I would just like to say that it is my conviction
That longer hair and other flamboyant affectations
Of appearance are nothing more than the male's emergence
From his drab camouflage into the gaudy plumage
Which is the birth right of his sex

There is a peculiar notion that elegant plumage
And fine feathers are not proper for the man
When actually that is the way things are in most species."
Haha, thank you for just a well-put response.
I think part of the charm of men is that they can look good while doing minimal to keep up their appearance. A great haircut and making sure they are clean and smell good is enough for me. Mind you, I don't wear makeup that often myself, so I do have that as a bias!
I know what you mean. With a quick shower, aftershave, and clean clothes, men can look hot.
So can women.
Men can be quite appealing just by getting a nice haircut, showering regularly, trimming or shaving regularly, applying enticing colgne and just putting on nice and clean clothes. Voila, you have a sexy man right there!
I do like nice eyebrows on men, and some let theirs grow all over the place....that looks yuck.Nose hair..another yuck, and ear hair...yikes!!

It would be nice to see more guys looking better, with a little more effort.

I hate the way some men do not use deodorant.There is no place for that in 2013.
Not into painted nails,unless a clear Gloss, then it looks amazing.

I told my sons 20 years ago, go into a department store and buy some good face cleaning items for guys, 20 yrs later my sons have great skin.They still buy top end face cleaning products, and I give them at birthdays, and Christmas.

I also always told them Clean Finger Nails is a Must! for men...Dirt under your nails, is nasty.
No short showers, as men smell more than they think they do.
Keeping hair clean is also a big point of grooming, and to use a conditioner is nice.
I also don't mind a guy wearing the absolute faintest amount of mascara..just looks so nice on their lashes.Or one better to have them tinted black.
Why not, all helps too with self esteem.
Pro metrosexual men! Yay!
Both genders equally. A great idea for sure.
I know what you mean; a groomed man is nice.
I haven't really thought about it until now. I don't think men would be keen to go through all the beauty regimes we go through, but as long as they are clean, trimmed/shaven that's good enough for me.
So true, but you'd be surprised how many scrub, moisturise, and fake tan.
There is nothing a person "should" or should not" do as should depends on your personal opinion.
On saying that I do think men should also look after themselves as some women do.
I don't think we would accept it, rather should I say "I" would not accept it if a man had plucked eyebrows and make up however it is still nice if they look after themselves which includes putting moisturiser on a dry skin.
by Finy
My husband was in the Royal Navy for 30 years and his idea of getting ready was to have ... And I quote .. " A sh*t, shower and a shave" !!
Although I wouldnt put it quite so eloquently I do think that most men just need to be clean and have a good haircut.
Whatever makes them feel good.. and yes we all look HOT if we go that extra step. However, over the top for either sexes is not good…. would have to have separate bathrooms and who asks who to hurry up LOl!
Well said hun!
I love to see (and smell) a well groomed man. I find it sad that it seems to make some people think they are gay.
by Rice
Well, that came out entirely wrong. Firstly, gay men are lovely, I know heaps. I was trying to say that there is an element in society that would deem all men gay if they were well groomed and that element is unpleasant and needs to keep it's collective opinion under it's hat. (I don't know if that's any better but I hope my intentons are clearer.) Grooming is for everyone!!
by Rice
I get what you were saying. Lol.
by annfi
I don't think it is my business. A man should groom as much as he wants, as a woman should. I dislike double standards. I think a man who doesn't groom has no right to expect more from his partner or anyone else.
I always like clean and tidy- men or women. Make up is optional. I don't mind if men wear makeup if they want. My husband has great skin so expensive lotions are unneccessary. I let him know if he has hair that needs attention, or other grooming issues. I ask him to look at my make up and outfit before we go out and hope he would let me know if things weren't right or if I smelt bad for example.
I am quite sure you don't smell bad, annfi, and never could ^_^
by Rice
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