Our bedroom secrets?..no
Familiarity is something we should steer away from,there is plenty of help on Google.
Friends are just that, and where do we draw the line.
We should always share with our girlfriends, but not right down to the most
private of topics.
Bedroom is a very private topic, and once you share....it becomes a subject you can't take back.
The other thing to consider is 'what if your partner did the very same thing, with his mates'?
How would you feel, they knowing such personal info about you.
I have yet to find a woman who would say ''that's fine''.Marriage is between you and your partner, and compromise is the worse option.
If your partner 'knew' how would he really feel? At least if you do not talk about your bedroom secrets, you can look him in the face,with a honest clear conscience.