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Should married women share their intimate experiences with their close friends?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
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Should we, married women discuss our bedroom secrets when we get together with our close girl friends? Is it a topic often discussed on a girls night out or a weekend away?

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Definitely not!
I have learnt by bitter experience, sharing all the secrets with my very best girlfriend, while my husband and I were in the throes of breaking up.
One of these was I jokingly said "I would like to poison him", and that was the last day he ever ate my cordon bleu meals!
Perhaps I should have tweaked when this happened, but I did not....and you can guess the rest!
So, no -don't share all as you cannot always trust a friend!
by Finy
Our bedroom secrets?..no

Familiarity is something we should steer away from,there is plenty of help on Google.
Friends are just that, and where do we draw the line.
We should always share with our girlfriends, but not right down to the most
private of topics.
Bedroom is a very private topic, and once you share....it becomes a subject you can't take back.

The other thing to consider is 'what if your partner did the very same thing, with his mates'?
How would you feel, they knowing such personal info about you.
I have yet to find a woman who would say ''that's fine''.Marriage is between you and your partner, and compromise is the worse option.

If your partner 'knew' how would he really feel? At least if you do not talk about your bedroom secrets, you can look him in the face,with a honest clear conscience.
I'd hate to think my hubby was doing that if the situation was reversed, so it's a no from me.

If they want to I suppose. I mean, there are times when you have to talk to somebody, and if not your close friends, who else? I think it's a bit different if they are friends with your partner as well though.
I guess it depends on the friendship. If you have really close friends who you trust not to share the information elsewhere then yes absolutely. Sex is part of life, so I am not sure why people are so afraid or unwilling to talk about it.
Us girls share details of everything: from recipes to where we buy our clothes. We tend to learn from each other. My friends butter cake recipe was better than mine. Because she shared her recipe with me I have gained knowledge to somehow better my cooking. Same goes to sharing knowledge of intimacy and romance, may be I could learn something new from my friends or may be I could contribute something new to the conversation. Good friends do learn from each other. My experience with my close friends has been nothing but positive. I feel sharing information could enrich your own personal life.
I guess with close friends but I wouldn't want to be the only one sharing everything lol!

Hell no1
Exclamation mark, not a "1" or a "one". The phrase"too much information" springs to mind. In a current murder trial a man's sharing of bedroom secrets (which they should be) will undoubtedly have a major influenc on the jury's verdict. They've also been plastered all over the media. No thnanks.
by grann
I'm a no. I just don't think it's nice for the partner (also you never know if it's going to spread) Like jonaj, would you like it said about you? What's good for the goose etc...
I have once or twice, and I felt terrible. At the time I didn't think anything of it, but I wouldn't do it again. I believe that sex is sacred, and to talk about what happens between me and my husband with anyone but him, unless it is absolutely necessary, is not something I feel comfortable doing. To talk about sex in general though, that's fine.
by Vee
Don't even consider it !
You never know what the future holds. Your good friend/s now, may not be so in the future - so this is a risk you simply can't take. Although female friends are supportive, they can be complete bitches when conditions change. So listen attentively to the stories of your friends but do not contribute.
No way! There is something called intimacy that is just that: the fact that only you and your husband are there. I would feel like I am betraying him if I started sharing with my girlfriends small details about our intimate experiences.
by kimp
Absolutely not!! Does EVERYTHING have to be talked about these days??
Under NO circumstances! That's just SO private!
Bad enough having to 'talk about it' to those professionals who 'need to know' like Doctor, Specialist etc etc etc.
I don't think that's ok.
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