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Should make-up be banned in schools?

by Vee (follow)
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When I was at school, we had a principal come in and ban students from wearing make-up. Many students kicked up a stink, but I thought it was a fantastic idea! Of course, I didn’t even brush my hair for school, so that explains it. But I always thought that wearing-make up to school was akin to blow-drying your hair for a day at the beach.

For these reasons, I was devastated to hear that a new principle has come in and done away with the no-make up rule.

What do you think? Should make-up be banned in schools? Did you wear make-up to school? Why or why not?

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I don't think it should be banned but I do think there should be rules about how much make up is worn. At my daughters high school, many girls wear excessive makeup. Thick foundation, fake eyelashes, heavy eyeshadow, the lot. This concerns me as it makes 15 yr old girls look like grown women. I did wear make up in high school but only a bit of eyeliner and mascara.
Good topic Vee.. A total ban will most likely be violated and the measure of how much make-up is correct/too much is always subjective.

Peer pressure begins quite early these days so the kids will give in to it whether there's a ban or not. I see teens in school uniforms walk-in to toilets and exit as a totally different person. So a total ban, will likely create more problems.

However, in my opinion, I'll support a ban on (extreme) cosmetics until kids are at least 15 yrs of age. Because every kid (male or female) does use some product. But most parents can't really control kids after 15. It's not even about control but the level of mutual attachment, respect and the ability of the parents to create an open forum for discussions, that really matters.

The lifestyle that you follow and what their are allowed to follow also determines what they do or want to do.
Thanks Manny; some great points there too.
by Vee
I don't think it should be totally banned either. Perhaps seniors could wear minimum make-up, with very clear guidelines as to what was acceptable. I really dislike seeing young schoolgirls tarted up with truck loads of make-up!
Me too!
by Vee
I didn't wear makeup to school but I think banning it sounds a little draconian.
Make up wasn't allowed in my school and if a teacher spotted you with make up on you were sent to the toilets to remove it. Final year students (aged 16) were allowed 'minimal makeup' and guidelines were provided. I'm not a big fan of young girls wearing make up anyway, so I think a 'ban' till their 15 or so is a good measure.
I like the minimal make up idea.
I don't think it should be banned. At the end of the day it's common in society for women to wear make-up. Minimal makeup is probably a good idea.
Make up that looks like make up, should be.

Young girls now who are 13 or 14 look 19- 20!
So yes, if it is not kept to a minimum...I'm totally over young women trying to look 5-6 years older.

Totally over it!
I hate seeing young women/gilrs with excessive makeup, it is so bad for the skin and ages one dramatically in instant looks and in the long run. I suppose banning makeup at school totally is unmanageable, so minimal could be allowed. Makeup is false beauty and confidence really and we are so conditioned to wear it by so many influences around us. I do not wear foundation as it looks like flour on the face but will wear some eye colour and mascara and some lippy on some accessions. These days at my mature age I can go out to places without any makeup and feel comfortable.
.....'occasions'......lol, brigi!
by donjo
yes make up should be banned in schools, what are they doing to their youthful skin , interesting to see them when they are older, they will look older than they really are.
That's what I've always thought.
by Vee
I think it is fine for girls to wear a bit of mascara and clear lip gloss for school, maybe a light foundation for senior girls. But not full make up, save it for the disco / school social.
School is NOT the place for make-up! What garbage!
If school age, wear it on weekend. That's what those back in the day did, & it did them no harm!

Plenty of time for that once graduated, if they do! School's to concentrate on study, to pass exams, then get a job, hopefully.

My School didn't allow it, but that was a Private School, run by nuns!
It never interested me, just not my sort of 'thing'. Still isn't!
Anyway, I was swimming morning, noon, & after school, in Summer, & playing Netball in Winter, so what would've been the use?
NO I didn't wear makeup at school, as it just wasn't done in my day, & I certainly don't think it's needed these days. I don't like seeing school girls wearing makeup. I'm sure it's not good for their complexions either. Do they remember to wash it off properly before going to bed? On the odd occasion I've worn it, I've found it a nuisance to wash off.
by Miro
miro_, that's one of the reasons I avoid it nowadays. I just can't be bothered.
by Vee
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