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Should little girls be only given girlie toys such as barbie?

by joya. (follow)
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Image by Hillebrand Steve via Wikimedia Commons

What are your thoughts on or feelings about buying girlie toys like dolls to little girls? Do you think girls should be given the opportunity to play with all kinds of toys including cars and superheroes?

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I think it goes both ways, I think that boys and girls should be given a variety of different toys and let them chose what they like. The idea of 'gender' in toys seems a little ridiculous to me.
Children of both sexes should be given the opportunity to play with all kinds of toys. My son has a doll he loves. There's nothing wrong with a little boy playing at being good dad, nor with a little girl playing with a tool box or a dump truck (my daughter has both). It's a shame toys are marketed as "girl" or "boy" toys. It gives kids less choice and is sexist and silly.
I always try to let my children choose their own toys. It gives me the opportunity to know what they like/dislike, and I can agree or disagree with their choice, give them the reason why they should or should not buy a certain toy, and then let them arrive at their own conclusion. My only established rule is NO Barbie because it is the worst role model for a young girl's mind.
I agree, it cuts both ways. Nothing wrong with the Barbie doll, yet there is an expectation to live up to be a certain body shape, and hence self esteem issues could surface later on down the track if our bodies are not like barbies later in life. Also, cut her hair, and it doesn't grow back like ours does. Darn. Back in the 90's, girls also loved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Let the child choose :)
I believe it should be the choice of the child, I would personally never reject the notion of allowing girls to play with 'boy toys' or visa versa. Unfortunately, I think we as a society tend to steer our children to certain stereotyped boy/girl toys, sometimes without even realising it.
I am not a big one on stereotype toys. However I enjoy kids to choose their own toys! After all it is their choice not mine!
I don't think there's any harm in giving girls typically girly toys or more male items. I think what's more important is that they're aware they have a choice. I'm a nanny and I've often heard young kids tell me that they shouldn't/don't want to play with a particular toy because they think it's exclusively for the other sex. Same goes for things like lunchboxes and other things: if I'm with a brother and sister and ask who owns the new Cars lunchbox and get a shocked look from the kids because I though the girl may have owned it, I think it's a bit concerning. Usually the attitude seems to come from other kids, but encouraging young girls in their 'princess' phases needs to be done carefully. Boys probably have it even worse though, as there seems to be less flexibility in ideas about their gender.
I believe totally on a child picking their own toys.

When out in a store allow them to be drawn to what 'they see'.

I remember being given toys as a child that upset me, just made me scared!

In fact you can learn a lot about a child, from their own choice, I can't think of anything worse than having a toy ...you can not relate too!
I wouldn't just stick to Barbie dolls,although when I was a child, I used to love my dolls, that's all I ever wanted.
I prefer "proper" dolls as opposed to Barbies and I like to give educational gifts where possible as well as books.
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