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Should kids take vitamins?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Kids vitamins

Would you give a supplement to a child who is a fussy eater?

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There is so much processed food today, that I don't believe kids get enough of the right stuff. In saying that though, I also wonder in regards to the absorption of the vitamins they take. For instance, if you take calcium then iron will not be absorbed. And in a multi vitamin there are many vitamins that counter each other in regards to absorption. However, I don't know enough to make up a conclusion, so I prefer for my kids to have a vitamin supplement on occassions.
I think kids need to have vitamins to balance out their body and to keep healthy. The best type of kids vitamin is the Gummy vitamins. Kids should be having the multi-vitamins that have all the vitamins and minerals that they need.

It is only necessary to give them vitamin supplements in the case where they are not getting enough nutrients in their meals. If they are not getting enough nutrients in their meals then you should ask why. If it is because they are fussy eaters, maybe you could ask for advice on that, or go to your GP to see if he recommends any supplements.
Kids these days consume more fast food than they should. Apart from being fussy eaters, they don't actively pay attention to maintaining a balance diet. So I think supplementary vitamins are necessary. However, getting too much of one or too little of another vitamin can still cause some disease.
They don't need vitamins if they are fed properly with a balanced diet.
I think so. To keep their insides healthy. They can catch all sorts of bugs in the school playground. Kids also tend to consume a lot of sugar in some cases.
I try to buy natural and organic produce when
I can, and when we are eating really well I
don't see the need for it, but if we've had too
much sugar or the kids are going through a
don't want to eat much phase, then I will
occasionally supplement their diet with a
Children don't need supplements, they need a nutritious diet! I wouldn't give vitamin supplements even to a fussy eater. Surely, with a little patience and healthy discussion, one could convince the 'fussy eater' to eat some real food. When I was a child, we had no choice but to eat everything on our plates. Fussy eaters? I'm not having it.

Moreover, several studies have found that vitamin supplements are nothing but a load of rubbish. Have you ever noticed that after you've taken a vitamin tablet your urine is fluorescent yellow? Well that's your body telling you it doesn't need the supplements. I read somewhere that only pregnant women benefit from taking folate supplements. The companies behind these supplements are making an absolute killing by exploiting our sense of fear.

Check out the link below:
by Vee
No, and neither should adults -natural is best
by Finy
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