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Should it be mandatory that we all have a small photo of ourselves on Hub Garden?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Some of us put a small picture on our profile on HubGarden, whereas others do not.

Do you think it should be mandatory so we can see our fellow writers?

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I don't think so. Although some people enjoy online writing, they may also value their privacy. If it was mandatory I think some people would get turned off from contributing.
Yes, I agree with what most of you have already said.
While I like to put a face to a name and comments I read every day, I guess some of us like to be "private" and to each his own, so to speak.

I just sometimes think it a bit unfair that some can see what we look like yet others cannot!
Did I just contradict myself?
by Finy
Other people don't have to put their picture up if they think that is unfair.
If you thinks unfair you can take yours down.
Definitely,absolutely,positively NOT!!!!! What a total breach of personal choice and privacy!! If you feel like posting your photo,this is great,but if you do not wish to,that is just as fine. I cannot recall the last photo of myself which was taken,apart from when I shattered several bones in my face,and my son,living so far away,asked my neighbour to please let him know what I looked like, as well as how I was recovering,as he was so very concerned but work committments as a chef totally prevented him from making such a long trip at New Year! I have not even seen those particular photos! It's amazing that the camera did not break, as well as my face!! Hee Hee Hee!!!!
I kid you not . . . .three cameras have jammed when taking my pic over the years. I hate being photographed and I looked like a sucked lemon. I am just not photogenic. *sigh* It's good to know your own limitations. LOL
by Rice
Luv it!!! Hee Hee Hee!!!!
by Jules
Absolutely not. I had a big internet presence for years without a picture of me online at all. I would rather people like me for what I have to say. I only recently uploaded one so people didn't think I had some reason not to.. like I had two heads or something.
Well....that would take all the fun out for meeeee
Great illustration as usual, jonaj. I do have a picture of you in my mind, though. It is very flattering.
by grann
Bless your heart :)
by jonaja
Now if I looked as sweet and youthful as you folk, I'd be happy about it. And if I looked anything like Marilyn........
No. What does it matter what we look like?
Well said Jennifer!
by norma
I like to be able to put a name to a face, but I understand that some people are averse to the idea of having their image online, so no.
by Vee
No, definitely not. Not everyone wants to have their identity/face viewable to the public on the internet. They have the right to privacy.
NO I don't think you should HAVE to, however the only reason I don't have a photo on here is cause...I tried and it was HUGE..deleted it and adjusted size and tried to upload again...to no avail so gave up..may try again sometime...!
by Fran
good on you yello, it worked!
by Finy
Yes, its a good idea, we will get to know the writers face.
I don't think it should be compulsory but I understand that it's nice to put a face to a name. It should always be a choice
by AJ
well put Alex -that is sort of what I was trying to say!
by Finy
It should be a personal choice.
Why Finy, you already have my photo. I haven't worn that little pink frock in a long time !
LOL fran! but why have u not worn the dress? It is very becoming -what an odd word -becoming!!

by Finy
Dunno. somehow when I slip into my minimiser bra and maximum shape control panties, the little frock just doesn't hang the same.
by fran.
I wouldn't want to post a personal photo because of personal beliefs, so if this was a mandatory requirement, I wouldn't be able to participate.
Some cultural and indigenous beliefs would be an issue too, I think (?)
by Rice
This'll do.

by Rice
Definitely not!
I would consider that an invasion of privacy!
There's no requirement for it on this Friendly AA site!

One has to produce photo ID enough in real life, especially in secure area's like work place, airports, for Police etc.
I would put up my 'not good looking' photo up there, but don't know how to do it! I can't even put photos into e-mails!
by Miro
Yes - should be mandatory. That's me in the photo accompanying this AA. Don't know where I've put that pink dress………must drag it out again.
No! I will only have my photo taken if it's a legal requirement and even then I'm reluctant. There is no such thing as a good photo of me - several 'friends' have let me know over the years just how ugly I look in photos, so if I see someone coming my way with a camera I'm gone before they can start clicking away! I won't even do a large group photo even if I'm up the back behind everyone.
I don't think it should be mandatory as some people value their privacy. I haven't put mine up because I'm not sure that I know how !!
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