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Should I Split the Bill on my First Date?

by chipp (follow)
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In the past, it was custom for men to pay for the whole bill on a date. However, girls are now earning their own money. Should I split the bill on my first date, or should my "date" pay for the whole bill?

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I think both the man and woman should offer to pay the whole bill. I think that whoever chooses the place should pay, however I have 2 caveats.

Second, third and fourth dates etc should form a balance. One party shouldn't pay all the time, even if they are doing more of the asking.

Also, if the date has gone poorly, I think you should split the bill. To me, it's a clear signal that you won't be seeing the person again, and thus the paying won't have a chance to even itself out.
I like the traditional etiquette stance, which goes that whoever does the asking does the paying.
This is always a hard one. What will he think if I share this bill? With both women and men working, it should be okay to to split the bill however it is a good idea to let your date know ahead of time.
Sharing is caring, although it is actually great to pay for the entire bill on the first date. What yours truly wants to do.
If I am asked on a first date, I always prefer that my date at least offers to pay the bill. If the date turns out okay, I would insist to pay my share. But if I'm not impressed on the first date, I won't mind that my date pay the bill as I don't think I will ever go on a date with him anyway.
I would think split the bill.
I say that whoever asks, pays - or at least offers to pay the entire bill. If it was me being asked, I would offer to pay for my own meal.
by Vee
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