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Should horse racing be banned?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
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horses, Nakota horses
Nakota horses. Photo by François Marchal, modified by Dana Boomer.

With the Melbourne Cup just around the corner, animal rights activists are once again drawing attention to the less glamorous aspects of horse racing, such as the excessive exertion of the race causing horses internal injuries, and the fact that those who fail to perform often end up as pet food. However, racing is a multi-million dollar industry and banning it would cause a loss of jobs and tax dollars, not to mention people's enjoyment of the spectacle. What do you think?

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I don't think we have to go to the extreme of banning horse racing, but there should be much tighter regulations to protect the welfare of the horse. The number of horse deaths at Ascot due to the height or type of obstacles used is unacceptable.
Interesting question, and your timing is so spot on in the lead up to The Melbourne Cup in two days time - at the time of putting this answer together. It is a sport like any other. However, horses should not be constantly whipped and pressured to run fast. On the other hand, problem gambling issues can mount when people place way too many bets on horses. This can cause financial hardships for people.
I'm all for banning horse racing altogether; even the horses that are treated 'well' have had to be broken. It's not cool.
I'm not sure about this myself. I think if horse racing can't be carried out in a way that isn't cruel to the horses it should be banned. I don't know whether it is possible to make it so that it isn't cruel.
I hit enter too early again! Oops! I was going to add that I was saddened to hear of the death of one of the horses in this year's Melbourne Cup, shot after breaking her leg during the race.
The number of dead horses after Melbourne Cup 2014, was more than just one!
Absolutely disgusting that that should happen.
There's something very wrong somewhere...........
by donjo
The horse deaths at Melbourne Cup 2014, were totally unacceptable!

There needs to be tighter regulations about the general care of the horses'.

Also the fact those horses' have very thin shin bones that snap under pressure. Breeding programmes need to be looked at to breed 'out' this painful trait. For the sake of the horses', shin bones must be made thicker. Too bad that means heavier.
Think of the animals', NOT the money, for a change!
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