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Should Facebook have a Dislike button?

by VerityG (follow)
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hand fingers thumb thumbs down dislike disapproval Facebook
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Mark Zuckerberg has just announced that Facebook is considering introducing a way to dislike posts. There is already a Like button you can click on, so do you think there is a need for a Dislike button? How would you feel if someone disliked your post?

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I sometimes would like a "dislike" button for when someone has had a bad day or is sharing sad news.
And sometimes someone is posting something I utterly disagree with... but I am trying to avoid getting into internet arguments so unless it was really offensive, I don't think I would use the dislike option for that.
If someone disliked one of my (happy) posts, I would be rather cross!
There are many posts I see that I would love to "dislike"! However I think it has the potential to cause arguments.
I think so.
I don't think it's a good idea. I think it would result in bullying, and anxiety. There's no reason to dislike something someone says, I can like it, or not like it, but disliking it is unnecessary.
Im with you, can be destructive and may cause more problems, but if used to dislike an item rather than a person could be okay...
by brigi
Yes, that is probably a good idea -there are several posts, often by the same two friends of mine, that really annoy me, and I actually press the "dont want to see" button.

Then again, on thinking about it, if it is a friend, I would not like to press a dislike button -only if it were a post from someone I do not know.
by Finy
It would be great to have a dislike button on Facebook.
Yes please!
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