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Should couples be able to choose the gender of their children?

by dwatk (follow)
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Jayne and Jon Cornwill with baby Emmerson.

A Sydney couple recently spent over $50000 to travel to California for gender selective In-vitro Fertilization. They were said to be suffering from "gender disappointment" after having 3 boys when they wanted to have a girl.
Read the full story here
Do you think couples should be permitted to choose the gender of their children (presently illegal in Australia)?
Should gender disappointment be considered a real psychological condition?

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I only have sons and am quite happy with them. While it would be nice to have a daughter, Im not going to be disappointed if I dont. What if your parents were disappointed when you were born. Crazy times we live in.
Wonder how her sons will feel, knowing that their mum was disappointed when they were born. No wonder so many people need psychiatric help.
by Gia
i love how we have the knowledge now of how to do these things, but realistically it's a bit crazy isn't it?
I'm not a parent, but if I was I would be more interested in my child being safe, happy and healthy rather than what gender.
I find it difficult to comprehend why parents want to do this, apart from a vanity reason.
by Vee
"Gender disappointment"? You know what's disappointing? People who can have children not being satisfied and grateful for the fact.
by Vee
by BK
Parents already kind of choose the child's gender, what with giving them pink or blue stuff from the get go. This is about choosing the child's sex, which is biological, as opposed to gender, which is a social construct. And I don't know. In some countries where boys are valued more highly than girls they have ended up with a population of far more men than women, which causes a lot of social problems. But then, I read that there is a lot of infanticide of baby girls in China and maybe there would be less of it if couples could just choose to have a boy until such time as people come to value girls equally.

And here in Australia, hmmm. It would be different if it meant that they could actually choose which sex to conceive, but I suspect what they're actually doing is checking the sex of the embryo and aborting the ones that aren't what they want, which seems kind of sad. It would be nice if both sexes were equally valued and everybody could just be happy with the child they happened to end up with.
yes...it is ''kind of sad''
by jonaja
No way, parents shouldn't have that power. This is similar to what happened in China some years ago. Many parents wanted boys and thus chose to murder their girl babies. This resulted in a huge gender imbalance where there many more males in the society. Many of whom had to accept the real possibility of never getting married because there just weren't enough females to choose from.
I do not see why not!
If that is available to someone, then I think it is fair enough to be able to do that.

I cannot see anything wrong with it.

I would hate to have had 3 boys and want a girl for example.
by Finy
No. life full of surprises. ÃŒf monopolized, can have gender bias & imbalance.
There's something very wrong mentally with many people, when it comes to 'reproduction'.

Some women 'obsess' over the fact they can't fall pregnant.
Having a baby's not the be all, & end all of everything.
Some women are 'barren' for a reason; it helps keep the world's population
growth in a kind of 'balance'.

But these days', 'science', & some doctors' like to play 'God', as there's much money to be made from doing so.

Persons' also seem to have the disposable income to be able to do what they want, in this regard.

So no, they shouldn't be able to 'select' gender.

People should be grateful that they've fallen pregnant naturally, without ANY interference from any source, & be happy with, hopefully, a healthy baby, no matter the gender.

I was at School with EIGHT girls', all from the same Parents'.
Were they 'shirty' that that had happened to them?
They were a marvellous Family, in every way possible.
I consider myself privileged they all were my friends'.
My Parents', & theirs', were good friends', for life.

The thought makes me VERY uncomfortable. Disposable embryos . . ? What??!!! I certainly could not do it and am glad there were no tests for the baby's sex when I was pregnant over forty years ago.
by Rice
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