There's something very wrong mentally with many people, when it comes to 'reproduction'.
Some women 'obsess' over the fact they can't fall pregnant.
Having a baby's not the be all, & end all of everything.
Some women are 'barren' for a reason; it helps keep the world's population
growth in a kind of 'balance'.
But these days', 'science', & some doctors' like to play 'God', as there's much money to be made from doing so.
Persons' also seem to have the disposable income to be able to do what they want, in this regard.
So no, they shouldn't be able to 'select' gender.
People should be grateful that they've fallen pregnant naturally, without ANY interference from any source, & be happy with, hopefully, a healthy baby, no matter the gender.
I was at School with EIGHT girls', all from the same Parents'.
Were they 'shirty' that that had happened to them?
They were a marvellous Family, in every way possible.
I consider myself privileged they all were my friends'.
My Parents', & theirs', were good friends', for life.