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Should children be taught to address adults as sir or miss?

by dwatk (follow)
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Source: http://morguefile.com/

Should children be taught to address adults as sir or miss?

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Whenever I hear a child say "yes sir", I instantly get the feeling that he or she was brought up in a good home. I would like to see youngsters do this as opposed to saying things like "yow mister", "yow pops" etc
It seems old fashioned, but I would love to see habit resurface.
I dunno...It seems kinda weird, but in saying that if the child doesn't know your name they need to call you something - but this is the same for everyone. If I'm talking to someone and I don't know their name I will refer to them as sir or miss / ma'am, so I don't think this is something that just children need to be mindful of!
Not really. Unless they are a teacher, it fees far too formal for this day and age.
it is probably a bit old fashioned but nice idea to keep it going.
That's old school, I guess if it could happen would be a little nice, but don't hold your breath....LOL :)
Interesting. I don't mind the idea, but I would rather it be said by somebody who is genuine about the sentiment than by somebody who has been taught to simply parrot the address.
by Vee
No I do not think they should.

I do not like formality like this -perhaps in the classroom but I don't think there is a place for Sir or Miss anywhere else.
by Finy
Most definitely yes.
Yes, if they don't know their surname to be able to say it. Only good manners', which in this day & age is missed greatly.

Had to call my husband 'Sir' when we on Army property, as he higher Rank than I.
I, in turn, was addressed as 'Ma'am' by lower ranks.
If we met at Army Base & I had to 'salute' him, my friends' there thought it was very funny! Yeah, right, ha ha!
I don't see any need for it these days. There are so many ignorant adults around and teenagers, that little kids don't have any example set for them to follow. Even the teachers are pretty ignorant…….I hear them speak to children in the playground and I would like to pull them into line. No hope left.
I think for young people up to mid-teens it is a sign of respect but, on becoming adults, it should stop. I absolutely abhor the American way of the use of "sir" and "ma'am" on every occasion. It sounds so subservient. There is no way I would address an adult as "sir" or "ma'am". The title should be earned not given as rote. The exceptions would be the armed forces of course.
Yes of course they should. Either Mr, Mrs,Miss,Sir. ma'am etc. Or whatever their title is. Never ever, address an adult by his or her Christian name. Unless you are around the same age ,or have been given prior permission to do so...... End of story....Mick
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