My Mother started taking me to the Theatre when I was 5.
We had a ritual. We'd have Lunch at a lovely Cafe close by, which had a Chocolate Shop attached. After Lunch, we'd go into Shop, & Mum would buy a packet each of Coconut Roughs & Scorched Almonds.
We enjoyed the former during the Show, & the latter, at Interval, because of the noise of crunching the almond!
Mum took me to EVERY show that was on at the main city Theatre, be it Ballet, Musical, Play, Recitation.
I learned much, met many stars of the day, & enjoyed it all.
I still attend Theatre on a very regular basis, & STILL find it enjoyable. Thanks, Mum for a wonderful education!
I spent many years' studying Speech & Drama, & was involved in a Theatre Group from 9 til 16yo. Wow! It was marvellous!
Tried to instil same with my children, but they weren't interested.
Yes, if children are interested, it's something which will last a lifetime, but it has to have variety!