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Should Australia be a republic?

by Carolyn Hopping (follow)

Australian flag
This image is by Toby Hudson, at Wikimedia Commons

Australians have long debated the relative merit of our country remaining a constitutional monarchy or becoming a republic.

With the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their infant son Prince George in April, popular sentiment has been very much in favour of retaining our historical ties with Britain. What are your feelings about this? Do you feel that Australia would benefit by becoming a republic, or do you think our political system should remain the way it is?

#Australian politics
#Republican debate
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OMG!! Love the moving Flag.

As far as Australia now standing on her own two feet!
Yes...she has waited long enough.It's time...it really is.

Australia is an amazing Country, I was born in England...but love this country and the people who are true blue.

She needs to have her apron strings cut!
My sentimental English heart wants to stay in the Commonwealth. *sob*
by Rice
Not too sure. Australia has a lot of protection under the British Flag. Just look at South Africa who became a republic and then was pounced on by the world- the outcome not so exciting! So - I think it should remain!
.....and the benefit(s) would be what, exactly?

I've never had a problem with being in the Commonwealth, & would prefer to stay as is, thank you very much!
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
The benefit is that Australia gets to stand on her own.She is all grown up now.
by jonaja
No, I do not feel Australia would benefit from becoming a Republic.
The Pollitical system throughout the world is generally not good, so I cannot see any point in now becoming a republic -I do not see what gains we would get from this action.

Will it alter things politically -I don't think so.
by Finy
I'm with Finy. I don't believe that becoming a republic would advantageously affect Australia's political landscape or it's people. And, in any case, there's no use fixing what isn't broken.
by Vee
Not sure, only if it improves our economy in some way, shape or form. People voted no at a referendum in 2001.
I can't see what it would do other than cost us a lot of money to change the system at this point. If there was a more compelling reason than change for the sake of it I would re look at my answer.
With 5 Prime Ministers in 5 years and my vote constantly being vetoed by opinion polls mayb another system might be a good idea.
Well said....we are the laughing stock of the world....5 in 5 what a joke!
by jonaja
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