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Should anonymity in rape cases be extended to the accused?

by VerityG (follow)
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Man hoodie accused rape anonymous anonymity concealed identity hidden face
By asobuno via Wikimedia Commons

There have been renewed calls in England for the law to be changed to allow men accused of rape to remain anonymous whilst the charge is being investigated and prosecuted.
Should anonymity in rape cases be extended to the accused?

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Until proven to be guilty.
There are plenty of men, who did not do the rape...but were treated as if they did.
How does he protect against that.

Once proven guilty, his face must be shown to the public I believe.

It's not good enough to say 'he is a rapist', when it hasn't been proven...That is how lives changed forever, and is quite wrong to me.
No one else is allowed to remain anonymous, why should RAPISTS be given special treatment? False reports of rape are EXCEPTIONALLY RARE, in fact they line up directly with false reports of other crimes like theft. Not being charged or convicted of rape is the default setting, I don't see that they need any extra protection.
Well, the accuser is allowed to remain anonymous, so it's already different from other crimes. I'm not sure that comparing what happens to someone accused of one crime to a different crime is helpful here. It's about ensuring justice for everyone equally. So someone who is maliciously accused of rape (which tbh honest is unlikely to happen with murder....) is treated unjustly by having their name and reputation ruined when the accuser knows she will remain anonymous.
But as I say in my answer, I don't think guaranteeing anonymity for those accused of rape will ensure justice for those who have been raped, which is far more people than those falsely accused, so it doesn't seem like the answer to me.
Ok, just realised that in part this reply belongs to Jennifer's answer! Senior moment....
The victim is allowed to remain anonymous, which makes sense since it's obviously traumatic for them. Obviously that's not relevant in the case of murder. Do victims of other violent crimes (like, say, muggings or beatings) remain anonymous when the accused doesn't? I don't see why that would be any different from rape as far as tarishing a person's reputation.
"Senior moment" lol.
by Vee
In my opinion, yes. But I also believe that if proven guilty, his name should be plastered all over the news.
I guess I should elaborate on this. My answer was a gut reaction without actually thinking about how often the justice system fails. My answer would only work if the justice system is infallible. Obviously that is not the case.
That's a hard one! I was leaning towards yes, but given the sad fact that it's VERY hard to prove guilt within the current system......... I'm going to say no.
Wouldn't that be treating the accused in rape cases differently from people accused of other crimes, like murder?
Oops, I've mixed up your answer and Meg's and made one reply to both! I've not had enough tea this morning, clearly....
I do feel sorry for innocent men who are falsely accused and then hounded in the media until their name is finally cleared.... but then I think of all the cases where because of the media interest, other victims come forward and either help to secure a conviction or ensure that the full extent of a rapists crimes are discovered.... and then I think that anonymity for the accused is not such a good idea. It's not a black and white issue for me though!
ONLY an innocent man will hold his 'head high' if TV cameras' on him, if one can see, due 'pixilation'.

Look at all those arrested, who COVER their faces' any way they can, both walking with Police, or in Police car.

To me, that means they're ashamed of their crime, so 'know' they're 'guilty'.
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