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Should all children be taught how to perform a musical instrument?

by kirk3 (follow)
K. Watkis
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Should all children be taught how to perform a musical instrument?

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Absolutely! I learned guitar when I was in my teens and I have always wished I hadn't waited so long to pick up the instrument.
I recently heard that learning a musical instruments does wonders for your brain. I would strongly encourage it, and there are so many instruments to choose from.
by Vee
You can introduce them to something like that, but what if there is no interest? There are so many things that can be introduced to kids at an early age and may be some of them will interest them. So, I guess it depends.
Having said that, I wish I was introduced to musical instruments as a kid.
by BK
No, not all children. Making rules like that smacks of the nanny state to me "you must do this" and just because it is the right thing for some children does not mean it is the right thing for all children.

I think that the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument should be available to all children. No-one should be made to do it though.
Yes, it introduces them to music and gives them an opportunity to like it or not. What if we did not teach them and they might have been brilliant. I think children should be given a taste of as many different things as possible so they can make infomred decisions later i life.
Most certainly. This is good for brain development among other things.
If they show aptitude towards one, definitely.

But Speech & Drama should be compulsory from Grade 1.
The slovenly way most people speak nowadays, hurts the ears! Even tv newsreaders' aren't as good as they used to be in their speech delivery, intonation, pronounciation.

Oh! for the days of James Dibble or Bruce Webster! They were a DELIGHT to listen to.
Yes definately children should be taught on how to play musical instrument, wish i had done this years ago to my children my youngest child took her to guitar lessons at age 13 she picked it so quickly, also wished i had learnt to,play any musical instrument
If they show interest or for them to have a try but not if it's something they don't like.
Only if they want to.
Better to teach them reading writing and sums (arithmetic).
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