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Purified water or tap water?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Water purifier

So we've all heard the debate about the health benefits of drinking purified or even alkalised water, but what do you think? Would you fork out for an expensive water purifier? If so what kind and why? Or do you think it's all a waste of money and what comes out of the tap is good enough?

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I have a bottle with a filter lid. It's called a Bobble. You just fill the bottle with tap water, and as you drink, it filters out all of the impurities. Whether you need a filtering device or purifier depends on where you live. London has very hard water, and I don't think it tastes very nice unless filtered. My grandparents live up north, however; they're water is soft and refreshing, and can be drunk straight from the tap.

That water from up north sounds perfect!
Bryony exactly! There is a significant difference between water up North and water in London. Having moved down here, it would take hypnosis to make me drink water from the tap!
Yeah. I like it when I can go up to my grandparents and drink from the tap. Until I realised the difference, I thought I didn't like water.
I have a Berkey and I love that the filters only have to be changed every 10 years. What comes out of our taps is certainly drinkable, but the taste once it's been through a filter is so much nicer that I rarely drink unfiltered now.
Depends on the quality of the water, obviously. The place I'm renting uses an old pipe and occasionally when I turn the tap on, the water coming out shows a light yellow colour. But other than that, I think the water in Melbourne is good enough to drink straight from the tap.
Anyway, tap water is a lot cheaper and more convenient than purified water. Plus you're protecting the environment by limiting the use of filtering devices.
I don't blame you having a filter with yellow water!
It is very important they tell us to have the best ph balance,in our drinking water.One way is to Google info on your own drinking water.
I found out of late...and was quite surprised!!

We use a filter in a jug and it makes a big difference to tap water.
Also:they say you should not drink water too hot or even ice cold.
It should be at room temp.

By placing a qrt of a lemon in your water, is a great tool for optimum health.
Lemon water is one of the best things you can drink. And I also make sure my drinking water is alkaline pH. I know icy cold water is not good for you, but I just love it. Maybe cause I live QLD at it gets really hot. But I do love my nice cold water.
I'm a big fan of ozonated water. Most often, this is comes in bottled water. Canada has some of the cleanest water in the world, yet we still chlorinate and fluoridate it. Brita and other filtration systems only have a charcoal filter in them, which filters out things that flavour the water but not the chemicals or minerals. In terms of our body, I believe the chemicals are bad and the minerals good.

Since I would prefer not to take in the chemicals, I prefer bottled water or to have a home with a reverse osmosis system installed (which is cheaper than you might think). This means I'm not getting the minerals I would normally get in water, so I have to be conscious of that and ensure that I am eating high mineral content food like fish and and veggies like broccoli.
The tap water in Brisbane tasted terrible. In England were I lived for 17 years our drinking water was filtered through the Sussex downs and that was all chalky it tasted really fresh and clean (hard water) I have filters on my taps to take out as much crap as I can and i fill bottles and keep them in the fridge. I do not think we need half the rubbish that is put into the water especially not the fluoride. the nicest water I have drunk in australia was rain water stored in a concrete tank down in NSW
I feel purified water is always better.
We purify our tap water. Tastes much better and isn't filled with weird stuff.
Both are good. If given the choice between the two, would naturally go for the purified water such as Brita.
I just go with tap, to be honest...we do filter it for the coffee machine, so go figure...
At home I just drink chilled tap water and if I'm out I tend to buy bottled water. I have never had any problems, so will probably keep going this way.
Melbourne has the safest, cleanest, & softest water in the world.
I believe 33 chemicals are used in order to cleanse our water and make it the safest and best drinking water in the world. I love it!
NO WAY would I ever buy the over-priced, soapy, bottled rubbish 'water' to pollute my body and our environment with empty plastic bottles & caps every day!!
You mean 3 chemicals which are:
1. Chlorine
2. Fluoride
3. Lime - small amount
by soan8
Tap water, though I do wish that fluoride was not added to it. I have read about some unnerving impacts of fluoride on the body.
by Vee
Just tap for me....
ALWAYS purified. The stuff which comes out of the tap is full of chemicals, sometimes invisible worms, eugh, always filtered, or bottle spring water.
I have a purifier fitted under the kitchen sink however I sometimes drink from the bathroom.
I mostly however use the filtered water in the kitchen and while our water is OK, I would prefer this.
by Finy
Not only do I filter my water, but I double filter it. I visited our local dam that supplies our drinking water (which tastes horrible BTW), and this is what I saw there.
I am trusting the tap water.
Keep it simple see how I go...lol
by Zen
Great question - having lived for 14 years in a country where you could not drink tap water and had to be forever vigilant about the water being 'safe' I truly think people in Australia or in the developed world as a whole should give up on the whole purified water debate and just be thankful that they have water to drink and from the tap at that. I think in terms of health it is a much better use of time to concentrate on having a good daily intake of water, a healthy diet and exercise. Leaving tap water to sit in a jug in the fridge to cool probably does the same trick as all those fancy filters and expensive bottled stuff. First world problem people. Be thankful you have the opportunity to drink those 8 glasses of water a day and move on to other issues!!!
Purified all the time. There is no way in hell I would drink tap water in London if you paid me. No freaking way.
The water in my area is quite good so I just drink tap water.
Have been buying 'Select' Sparkling Mineral water, as well as purified water, for years' now, & really enjoy both, freezing cold.
Don't have a problem with tap water, though. My choice.

Remember as a kid, we'd house at Palm Beach, & water tasted 'strange'. Mum used to boil it, then put it into fridge to cool. That did taste better. That was in the '50's, so one would hope the tap water is better now! Haven't stay on the Coast for about 30 years' now!
Tap water
We got a ceramic filter due to the taste of the tap water. But since then I keep discovering more and more reasons to drink filtered water.
They have now found tiny particles of microplastics in drinking water. Also medications that have been passed through someone else's body and into the water supply. Scary stuff.
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