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Printed socks or plain?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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Do you have a preference for plain socks or printed? Can you make a statement with socks?

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I like to wear really bright printed socks with a plain suit on a special occasion.. But plain for everything else
Plain every time.
Call me simple!
I just love plain white ones :)
Gasp! But jonaj, they're the hardest to wash.
by Vee
Actually...I just use a nappy kind of wash powder, and no prob's...
It's the coloured ones that give me grief,the colours run at times
hence only white for me.
by jonaja
Plain black socks go with everything!
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say neither. No socks. No shoes. Make a bigger statement going barefoot!
All my socks are plain black or navy blue. My old socks are grey and light blue, but that is only because they are washed out. I like my socks plain and simple so they go with anything.
Plain for me. Sure printed are cute, but not my style.
Plain socks for me. But most people don't see my socks so it doesn't really matter.
I wear printed socks for myself - it makes me feel cheerful 😊
I like printed socks to wear around the house and plain ones for going out! :)
Printed are pretty.
by Vee
Don't care, as long as they keep my feet warm and there are no holes in them.
I like printed socks.
I liked plain black socks until a few years ago when I discovered some Candy Crush socks!
I sent away to Europe for several pairs of these and gave some to friends who also play Candy Crush.

However I mostly buy expensive wool black or navy socks.
by Finy
I love fun socks
At the moment, my favourite ones are black and yellow striped. I feel like a buzzy bee!
Usually I prefer printed socks, I love bright colours especially through winter.
I love them all.
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