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One of the best things for me about Winter is that not wearing a bra becomes an acceptable option. Do you agree?

by carolyncordon (follow)
Carolyn Cordon Positively Positive Prose! mickjaneandme.wordpress.com/
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I love Winter because I don't necessarily need to wear a constricting and uncormfortable bra! When you’re wearing lots of underclothes and then a big snuggly jumper on top, no-one apart from you knows whether or not you have a bra on underneath. That’s my best reason for loving winter – comfort!

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Sweetheart you can go without :)

You look fabulous...and I mean that.

Some of us have breasts that as Oprah once said have gone South!!

I do not have a big bust, what I have is ''Gravity'', you don't.... so you're lucky.

I also feel undressed having my boob's roam around all day, when I have stayed home on the odd occasion.

Remember You will get people looking (men) on cold days at you....That is one thing I could not handle, being shy in a lot of ways.

Bra's are a huge pain to wear, we know that....for the insecure ones like myself....I'll keep mine tied up, so I don't trip!....LOL

Yes, gravity is so unkind. Once I hit the forty mark, perky only happened with underwires and such like scaffolding. Now that I'm over fifty, the perky times seem frivolous, or just too uncomfortable to bother with ...
Thanks for your reply!
No, I don't agree - I think if you are more comfortable without a bra, then you should just not wear one all year round! For me, my comfort is a much higher priority than anyone else's opinion. If other people want to judge me on something that is none of their business, then that's their problem not mine!
Unfortunately, some people make assumptions about breasts and what it may mean if they're 'out there' ...
If people would stop doing that, stop reading things into it that weren't intended, then I'd feel better about the whole thing. We're a long way away from that time though.

I agree that in winter you can totally go without one, but I always wear a bra when I leave the house. I once went out to pick up somebody from somewhere and was in my pjs - so no bra - oh my, it was painful. Lots of bounce. So it's a no, no for me. But, if I'm at home of a night time, then I 'll take it off.
by Vee
Yes, at home comfort becomes the main thing to go for, doesn't it! :)
Absolutely. ;)
by Vee
I wear a bra because I want the support not for anyone else's benefit. It doesn't make a difference to me what season is. Actually, if anything I'm more likely to go without one in the summer as sometimes when it's really hot I'll wear just a sarong.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I'm afraid my braless in summer days are probably over, and age and gravity are lowering the appeal of my shape, if you get what I mean!
I go without for bed but otherwise I like the support it gives. Its a matter of personal choice.
by Gia
Yes, our body, our choice, you are so right Gia!
I'm no 'Marilyn Monroe' in 'that' department, so ASAP get home, off comes the 'town' gear, then re-powder & re-deodorise, & on goes t-shirt, NO bra, comfy shorts & Scholl towelling-slip ons!

In winter, the home gear is track pants, Damart longline sleeveless vest (if cold weather), thick cotton t-shirt, sloppy joe, ugg-type boots. If it's REALLY cold, add scarf & beanie!

If someone comes acallin', not that anyone would be expected, it's WYSIWYG time!
Yep, if they don't like you when you're at home and comfy, bad luck!
Yep, if they don't like you when you're at home and comfy, bad luck!
I sleep without but wear one during the day. To each their own I say.
I like to be comfortable when I sleep, so would never bother wearing a bra then. It's only when I go out, that I would feel the need to 'bra-up'!
My daughter gave me a pair of bamboo bras. I've since bought them myself, so comfortable, rather like a sports bra I guess.... and they were only $l5. Have to be put on from the feet up, otherwise the material twists.
Love them
Bamboo bras? Wow, who would have thought it possible! And only $15.00? Wow again!
I have bought, recently, many sports bras but couldn't get them on putting them on over my head and in fact, it was more than a big struggle. I was exhausted. Now that you have mentioned putting it on from the bottom up…….I'm going to give it a go. There were no instructions on the bra itself so I just thought it naturally had to go on from the top down. I'll go back the the drawing board now.
Would have thought. I thought I was going crazy
by fran.
I have changed to a sports type bra very comfortable, would not know that I have it on, whereas previously the expensive bras I was wearing were always uncomfortable
I think next time I'll go with a sports bra, or similar.
Many bra manufacturers' don't MAKE my size, as I've very broad back & shoulders', as most female swimmers' do, but smaller bust size.
Thank goodness, still 'Platex' ('Cross Your Heart') make them, as they most comfy I've worn.
by donjo
You go girl and all you others too! Comfort is more important and bras never fit me correctly at all, always tugging at one side YUK! Who cares what others think or assume, that is their problem - must say tho something covering the boobs is a bit warmer even with a "bra" on even if an aah bra...
I have an Ah Bra and several similar bras. My days of wearing anything uncomfortable may well be over, except on very special occasions. I'm more than 'just' over 50 now, and I have to face a few facts, I suppose ...
Having had a mastectomy on one, the other (going south) tends to swing free unless suitably restrained. :-) Besides in winter there is that extra layer provided
Yes, in winter there's enough on top that sometimes the boobs can appear to be anonymous padding.
Funny about that, never considered that as an option. I always view winter as the season to add layers not remove them.
Maybe it is because my bra isn't constricting or uncomfortable that I didn't identify it as an option.
Food for thought
I agree with you. You look fine without a bra, by the way.
I like to go without a bra in winter but find lately, I am doing it still in Summer. I had a sore shoulder for a year and stopped wearing a bra whenever I could get away with it, simply because it was hard to manage one handed.
I have small breasts so can contain them with a lycra camisole. Got to be some advantages to my less than womanly figure. Certain clothes look better with a bra. To reassure you, I recently heard that bras contribute to saggy bossoms.
Yes, me too, i hate wearing bras & It's wonderful not having to in winter isn't it? Luckily, I don't need to wear them in any season either, when I only wear my dresses all year round!
by Miro
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