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One book that changed your life?

by megha (follow)
Books (55)     

Which is one book that changed your life?

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I've never read a book that changed my life.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Great book! Got me more into reading.
Admirable :-)) I think we owe J.K. Rowling a huge debt for getting kids reading again.
by Rice
I don't think I can attribute the changes in my life to any particular books, but many books teach small lessons in life. I do attribute changes in my life to two particular people. One book that I have recently read has changed my views on politics in Pakistan, and that is a biography of Imran Khan, who is a cricket legend and is now the leader of a political party.
The hope and love it gives is totally amazing.
Gives me a real joy, for my life.
Still Alice by Lisa Genova.

What a fascinating read - considering how it relates to my field of study, it changed my perspective of dealing with clients with aphasia.
It hasn't changed my life, but it made me a little more mindful of my impact - a story in Bitter Chocolate tells of the problem with banning the products of child labour in the garment industry (which I had always thought was the solution - just don't import it), and how the children were all sacked and then had to be prostitutes and work rock crushing (and a lot then died, as the work is dangerous). So it's left me thinking, and mindful when in the shopping aisles...
The first one I ever read . . . . . it opened a world of reading up to me. Thank you, anonymous book, I wish I could remember you better.
by Rice
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