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On a scale of 1 to 10 how devious would you be?

by Finy (follow)
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On a scale of 1 - 10, how devious are you?

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5. I can be cunning, or devise things in devious ways if I want or need to, but I rarely do.
I am probably a 6.
I tend to be stupid when it concerns divorce, however in business, I think I would be an 8 so one balances out the other of every day life where I would say only a 3.....
by Finy
I'm around a 1 or 2. I like being upfront and straight forward. I'm not naive, however, and I have no problem letting people play their games when it doesn't effect me or calling people's BS when needed.
I like things to be pretty open and straight forward,so I would say that I am not devious at all! Life is just too short!!
Howevber ,with the question asking how devious CAN you be,I have to bre honest and say that if the situation warranted it,I most likely could be very devious,maybe even an 8!!! But I do not choose to live life this way,so ...how devious AM I? Not at all!!! Zero!
Can't 'do' devious! So would be a MINUS 10!
I have no reason to be. I make a choice, not to be at all. In any way shape or form.

But....if it were a matter of life or death or something that had to be done for the better good, and to save others I would be a 10.
I believe I am very open in most things but considering both personal life and business life....I would put myself at a 4
by Fran
I'm pretty honest so would probably be around a 1 or 2. Don't see the point in deception when being open would work just as well.
I would say only 1 or 2 - I tend to be quite upfront
by AJ
I'd say one, as I prefer to be open with people.
Definitely a 1.5, I have an overbearing 'conscience' :-)
With me, what you see is what you get, so I guess I would be on the low end of the scale, so don't think I am particularly devious. Having said that, I guess we all have the capacity for deviousness at some time or another.

-5 . . . I'm an open book.
by Rice
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