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Now that most of us are no longer teenagers, do you still have an idol in the movies or TV?

by Finy (follow)
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Now that most of us are no longer teenagers, do you still have an idol in movies, television or on stage?

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Indeed, I have several -probably the "bestest" (yes I know it is not a word!) is the above, David Tennant who I have mentioned before!
He has such talent in anything he choses to do whether it be Hamlet or Dr Who.

I do have several other singer idols but question was "AN" idol not more than one, and David Tennant would be no. 1
by Finy
Much as I truly do enjoy David Tennant,I cannot say I idolise him,or any of the many other wonderfully talented entertainers in all fields.I saw a special on SBS at Christmas time which which featured Josh Groban backed by a full orchestra.His voice is so beautiful that I actually got goose-bumps and wanted to watch /listen to it all over again.He almost brought me to tears with his rendition of 'Try To Remember',a song I've always loved,yet had not heard for many years! But again, I would not say I idolise him or any other singer!
by Jules
Whenever I see or hear anything about David Tennant, Finy, I think of you! LOL.
by Vee
I don't think I have any idols. I am a fan of lots of different people in movies but no one that I idolise
by AJ
I enjoy watching a great many wonderful actors, but I also,have not idolised any of them.I simply know that when I am watching these people at their craft,I feel really good inside.If they make me 'feel' or think,or laugh out loud, then they tend to become favourites with me, whether male or female. Sorry to be so obtuse and vague with this reply,but I cannot choose ONE favourite who affects me more than others do.
Can't really think of anyone I like that much.
When we grew up, the word "idolatry" was a BIG no-no. I really admire lots of actors for their talent and have huge soft spots for Laurence Olivier, Alan Rickman (*sob*), Peter Capaldi, Tim Roth, David Thewlis, Tom Baker, Alan Alda and more but my admiration comes more from left field. I don't do the swoon thing over Clooney, Pitt, Damon or Cruise, for example.
by Rice
PS. I adore David Tennant. (catch me as I swoon!)
by Rice
me too! have him plastered around my house and got a calendar and tee shirts from UK!
by Finy
Hahaha. Finy, you win! Love your enthusiasm :-)
by Rice
Only because I knew her years ago when she was studying at N.I.D.A.
She is a fav with me.

One of the lovely people INSIDE as well as out!

She is a dear lady.
Would love to see her again, and talk about old times....but I guess that will not happen any time soon. :(
She always seems so gracious and "normal", which is lovely.
by Rice
27 years ago....she was as she is now, just a little younger in the face.She had endless energy, and respected everyone...and that is the reason she is where she is today.You could not get a more deserving down to Earth person!
I love her to bits. :)
by jonaja
Lovely to hear!!
by Rice
No. I may respect their art, but don't see them as an idol.
Did I EVER have any idols ? I don't think so. I was never one for screaming at the TV or in movies when the star came on. I do have favourites, but I don't go goo- goo eyed over anyone and never did to my knowledge. I like all different actors but no one in particular stands out as being the BEST. A lot of them have good qualities.
Even as a teenager I don't. At least not on a conscious level.
There're many actors I think have been/are marvellous, mostly British.

But THE one for me, since I first saw him in 1962, in 'El Cid', & the scene was when he rescued a priest & a statue on his way to his wedding, was Mr Charlton Heston!

What a 'hunk', 6' 4" tall, very broad shouldered, ruggedly handsome, deep bass voice, & the most down to earth person you'd ever wish to meet!

His involvement with the NRA was due to the fact, he was a 9th Generation American.
It should NEVER overshadow his marvellous acting abilities.

Most of the 'epics' in which he starred will NEVER be re-made, due costs now.

He left behind a HUGE canon of works, not only Film, but Stage, TV Documentaries', Voiceovers ( it was HIS voice, distorted, which was the 'Burning Bush' ie God, in his film, 'The Ten Commandments', & his real-life baby son, Fraser, was Infant Moses in the Basket!).

He was a very good Christian man, attending his Church, with his family, every week.
His lovely wife, of 64 years married, now widow, Lydia, is 93, & still very much involved with their children, & grandchildren.
He is greatly missed by all who knew him, & his legion of fans.

May he Rest in Peace.
I do have a few and one would be Tommy Lee Jones, he is most of the time a bad boy, and I love his accent, another would be Bruce Willis.
Yes Bruce Willis pushes my buttons too, hummmmm
by brigi
I still have a few "idols" but don't go weak in the knees anymore, and I find I change them when someone new come on the "screen", Bruce Willis as Diana says, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hardy and the latest is Boyd Holbrook just to mention a few hubba hubba
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