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No Offence- Are you watching?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
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no offence, cop show
No Offence Poster, Channel 4, Fair use.

No Offence is a Channel 4 cop show about a team of police in Manchester investigating a serial murderer targeting young women with Down's Syndrome. It centres around two female officers, D.I. Viv Deering and D.C. Dinah Kowalski. It is currently screening in Australia on the ABC and iView.

Have you been watching the show, and if so, what do you think of it so far?

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Sadly I have not seen it.
We only now watch certain shows, as we do not watch much t.v.
May watch it later on have to wait and see.
I'm not much into police shows. I sometimes get into a plot if someone else happens to be watching it, but I don't choose to watch them myself.
Unfortunately, I have not seen it as yet.
Oops, this question was supposed to go on TVOde. Oh well. I've seen the first two episodes and really like it. I'm a fan of British cop shows, and it makes a nice change to see one centred around female characters like this.
I have never heard of it. I'm not sure that I would like it. I guess that I would need to watch it in order to judge though.
Yes, & loving it!
The characters' are quirky enough. Love it when they go the the 'washroom' to have an update on the current crime investigation!

Supt Viv comes out with the most unexpected things!

Good, tight script, action, & acting.

Gotta listen hard though, as their accent hard to understand, especially when speaking quickly!
Sounds interesting. Haven't seen it though.
by Vee
Yes I am - being a Brit I love their cop shows - can't go past their excellence really. The acting is great, as is the humour, but I particularly love the fact it has a pretty dark side to it as well. All the characters are amazing actors, especially Joanna Scanlan (Viv) who is a pretty well known actress in comedy and drama back home. She has been in numerous shows. In the hilarious "Thick of It" she was a press officer who was pretty inept, and in the comedy "Getting On" she was a nursing sister. Off the top of my head these are the two that would be most familiar to Australian viewers.
I recognised one of the male cops as the dad from Friday Night Dinner so it's weird seeing him in something serious. It's always interesting when comic actors are cast in serious roles.
Yes - you're right Jennifer. He's been in a few cop shows too, and was also in the comedy "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps" which was shown here, but I think was on Foxtel.
by norma
Sorry, also meant to say he was in "Casualty" as well.
by norma
I haven't seen it or even heard of it . . . . but I would spend the entire programme translating for the Aussie who doesn't speak Oooop North like I do, so I might avoid it.
by Rice
Have not heard of it,
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