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Melbourne ranked world's most liveable city, do you agree?

by EricaL (follow)
For the third time in a row Melbourne, Australia has been crowned the 'world's most liveable city' in accordance with the The Economist Intelligence Unit Survey.

source: wikimedia commons

140 cities were ranked in areas such as health care, education, crime and infrastructure.

Out of the top cities voted as the world's most liveable, Australian capital cities Adelaide, Sydney and Perth also reached the top 10, but Victoria's capital city Melbourne pipped the post over Vienna, Austria as the top spot.

Do you agree? Would you say Melbourne, Australia is the most liveable city in the world? If not, which city would you place at the top?

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I agree about Melbourne being on top. I have lived in Toronto, New York and visited many other big cities of the world. Melbourne is by far the best for many reasons: public transport, affordability, quality and variety of public events, cosmopolitan feel, lovely people, awesome eateries, weather, and sooooo much more. I LOVE it here.
Sorry, I don't agree. Melbourne is so expensive. I can say this as I used to live in Melbourne, and it was tough financially, and with credit cards maxed out just for purchasing necessities, and not luxuries; and this is all despite earning a great income down there. Sydney (for me) rules. My rent (living in Melbourne city) was twice as much as the mortgage on my current place in Sydney, and with the credit card situation in Sydney, my balances are back to zero within five minutes of making convenience and rewards points purchases, regardless of the time of week or month I make such purchases. My current place in Sydney is only an extra 25 minutes from the city, yet I have double (almost triple) the living space than what I had in Melbourne, plus its my own home.

MyKi is also a stupid ticketing system. My Train/My Zone is heaps better in Sydney, and so are the Opal cards, not to make any comparisons. The trams are overrated in Melbourne - the old ones are quite smelly. Sydney Trains rule in comparison.

My friends in Melbourne (although talented and really smart) are struggling to find decent jobs that they deserve. Council rates, PHI and other incidentals are higher, with the exception of electricity. My electricity bill is heaps higher in Sydney. For my friends that are a success, they're living with their parents because they have to.

I am grateful for Melbourne as it got my freelance writing, editing and publishing career started; however, I am making tonnes more money in Sydney.

Melbourne is better for friends and socialising, yet personally, I am much better off living in Sydney overall, despite missing my great friends down there, and its really hard to make great friends in Sydney. It was a smart move to re-locate.

I don't know who would be well placed at the top.

Perth is the most expensive, so don't know how Perth made the top ten.
I agree. Melbourne is just right. Not too crowded, not too quiet, always happening and full of life and multiculturalism. Home, sweet home.
Great pride in houses, something to do everyday. Great eateries and Arts as well as Music. Our parks are great as our beaches. Our roads are wide and its not that hilly but we do have hills but you dont have to live like a mountain goat. Our fresh produce is fantastic from farmers markets and our Art n Craft markets are excellent with a close one at the Flemington Race course as well as Mornington Race course, We have a good transport system but our Myki thingy needs reworking or make it much easier esp for o/seas and interstate visitors. Our Moomba and other festivals etc are great. The people here are as friendly as.... and you wouldnt have to look far to find a person to chat with. The temps here the 4 seasons and not necessarily in one day. We have snow fields too to attract those who want to ski.. Not me on that score. There is tons to do and last but not least we are also the Fashion Capital too. At 'the fashion capital' where you will find most high quality brands and more, you cant go past Chadstone Shopping Centre. Its huge but you can find a place to sit and watch or squirrel yourself away in a quiet area for a coffee, meet friends, go to a movie or just find a place for a chat with a friend. Yep Melbourne is my place to be. Love it!
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