Manual versus electric toothbrush?
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Everyone knows the importance of excellent dental hygiene, but when it comes to brushing your teeth, do you use a manual toothbrush, or an electric toothbrush, and why?
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Manual. Not sure why as I've had electric ones in the past. Maybe it has something to do with spending a lot of my time on electronics everyday anyway, so I try to keep my bathroom an electronic free zone.
Manual. Ours are made of bamboo and compostable.
Fabulous! Where did you get them from?
Definitely electric and this is mainly because they have the two minute timer -otherwise i would probably only brush for 30 seconds. Also I think electric does a far better job than manual.
I use an electric toothbrush int he morning and evening, and a manual brush during the day - no idea why, it just seems to work out that way!
I did for a while have auto.
Drove me nuts!!!
I like to be able to use mine in the manual mode.
I feel that electric toothbrushes do a far better job, but I can't get over the idea that unless I have manually brushed my teeth, they are not clean. Sounds a little loopy, I know.
I think today's society has been made extremely lazy with some techie advancements, so I'd vote for manual. How hard is it to move your hand in a rotatory motion to clean your teeth? We shouldn't have to rely on tech stuff for everything. :)
My dentist recommended electric and I have never looked back!
Manual. It's cheaper, easier and less difficult to maintain.
Won't get 'zapped' that way!
Manual. I had a good brand electric one and it just kept pinching the corners of my mouth so I had to stop using it.
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