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K mart or Big W?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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Which one do you buy your home stuff usually from? Which one is more buyer friendly in terms of cost, availability and quality?

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Kmart because there is 24 hour near our place and it makes shopping so much easier.
I believe they are both almost identical, so I chose whichever one is closer to where I am.

I don't often buy at either however occasionally, I find there is something that is cheaper to buy there than elsewhere.

I guess it is like saying do you prefer Coles or Woolworths.
by Finy
Yeah Finy, you're right: https://answerangels.com.au/do-you-shop-at-coles-woolworths-or-aldi/ Haha.
by Vee
K-Mart has gone down I think.
Over the last 10 years, all you can get is Very cheap clothes now, nothing fits...and you can buy things for $2 $5 $7 $10.
But no quality, no real size control.It's one big nasty cheap place to shop.
I remember K-Mart had wonderful items years ago.Not now, they lost the plot.

Big W, will go that way...if not careful...There sizes are small too.Other goods are a tad better, but for my money Target every time.Their clothes are getting smaller, but they have also gone up one size.(which is not true sizing ).

What are going on?

Do they not understand a lot of us still have the true sizing stuff, from years ago from their stores.......duh! I have a real concern for this topic, they think we know nothing of what is happening....I know.What was a size 16, they now have made it a size 22? like are they crazy.

I have my tags to prove it, so I would like to tell them to wake up! Stop playing games with the public......I'm not the only one.
While setting my home in Melbourne, I bought necessities from Kmart. But its far and big W being in city is more convenient.
I prefer Big W, especially after our closest Kmart store thought it would be innovative and drastically change the layout. I cannot find a thing and the registers are in the centre of the store. It has some people, myself included, utterly confused. Where do we join the queue and where do we exit people?!
by Vee
Big W has better quality products and is a nicer shopping experience. K Mart is cheaper but sometimes the things don't last as long so buying them is a false economy. Big W gets my vote.
KMart because of Flybuys, although they are both the same.
Both the same, if you ask me.
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