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It is acceptable to wear leggings as pants?

by EricaL (follow)
Fashion (139)      Style (23)     
Leggings worn as pants (trousers) may still be considered a fashion faux pas for some, but many women still choose them for everyday wear.

Leggings are comfortable, and can look stylish matched with certain wardrobe pieces, although the tight fitted garment can get a bit of flack if worn as a completely separately piece, not covering one's backside.

There appears to be a fashion rule that has emerged which suggests that leggings should not be worn as pants at all, but should be reserved as a casual piece worn for fitness or worn underneath tunics/dresses.

What are your thoughts on this particular fashion statement? Is it OK to wear leggings as pants? Why do you think wearing leggings as pants is frowned upon?

Leggings as pants

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I wear leggings because they are so comfortable and easy to wear. as long as they suit your figure, I don't think there is a problem wearing them. Some leggings can look quite smart, but in formal occasions it is best to wear something less casual. Because they can be tight fitting, however, I only think they should be worn if you are wearing a long t-shirt at the same time.
Legging is fine as long as it goes with a suitable top e.g. tunic / dress. I don't really have slim and slender legs so black seems to be my only favorable color for leggings because I think it has slimming effect (optical illusion) :)
I have no problems with people wearing leggings as pants, even with a short top, but make you have the right underwear to avoid camel toe.
Very good point!
by EricaL
I tend to think that if they look like underwear, or you can see your underwear... then they probably shouldn't be worn as pants. Leggings are about the only 'pants' I do wear. I mostly wear skirts and dresses, and tights. But I see leggings as a slightly smarter version of track pants, and I will wear them for a quick nip up to the shops or if I'm heading out for a walk.

i've seen plenty of great outfits make use of leggings, as well as plenty of terrible ones. So I think it's more down to the person wearing them and their 'style'.
I wear leggings as pants all the time, but I always wear a long shirt to cover all the parts that need to stay hidden. Leggings are comfortable, affordable, easy to wash, can be purchased in different prints to make a statement. I love my tights, even if it is a faux pas in the fashion world! :)
I embrace wearing leggings although my personal choice would be worn underneath tunics or dresses, I must admit though, I'm a bit bored with black leggings.
I find the idea of there being rules about this kind of thing pretty silly. I don't think it's any of my business if somebody else wants to wear leggings or not.
Then why even bother to be in this topic?
by jonaja
I was trying to make a point but I don't think it came across the way I meant. It wasn't supposed to be offensive. I just think that people should be able to wear whatever they like. Erica L please delete my answer if you think that's best.
Leggings is probably the "must have" in a wardrobe. However it should accompany a good top.
They're comfortable. It is important for you to feel good.
As long as they've not gone threadbare and see through. I don't think that is a great look.
I think you have to be the right shape to wear them. If you are overweight it's a definite no-no. Then you should wear a long top if you insist on wearing them.

I think it would depend on the wearer - if it looks flattering then why not! On the other hand, I have seen people wear leggings to the office with an unflattering bulge - and I ask - why do that to your reputation? Just sayin...
Yes, I don't see why not. In fact I was out at a function last night and wore a thigh-length black top and leggings with a pop of colour in jewellery, bag and shoes and I had several compliments so must have looked ok.
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