Is your pantry too full?
Do you keep buying heaps of food that is not necessary?
Is your pantry too small, or do you buy too much?
Mine is too full because I buy on impulse, and don't need multiples of things. I buy and end up throwing out, do you?
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No, because I recently moved and chucked out the few things in there that were expired. It could be better organised though. I find we tend to waste more if we can't find things, like buying a new packet of dried fruit when there is already one in there.
LOL.....My pantry has never been full..... I buy from week to week..
We are on a very tight budget.
No, ours used to be until I started buying mostly organic a couple of years ago. I found that as we went on, buying organic also meant cutting back on a lot of pre packaged foods which would go in the pantry in favour of fresh fruit and veg, baking products and meat. So these days, I have a very modest pantry similar to one of 60 years ago before people started buying pre made everything.
No and try consciously to not buy all the rubbish at the store that just fills up your pantry. I have a friend who has filled every inch of her pantry and more with sauces and cans of stuff she will never eat. Its just compulsive shopping. Everyone's different though and its fun to be able to lay your hands on just what you need when you need it and if you cook a lot and love tasty food why not. There are worse things..
Sometimes I think it is. Then I start cleaning it and find there are more empty boxes than full ones! :(
It used to happen some months back when I newly moved to Melbourne. But I had to throw off so much, waste of money, waste of food. So I have started making lists and put sticky notes which items are about to get over. This way I don't buy too much nor run out of supplies.
No. It's pretty empty at the moment as I am working long hours, and barely have time to stock it up.
No. Not really. Well, not full of food. I use it as a storage cupboard more than anything else. When shopping, I always take a list so as to curb impulse purchases. Seems to be working.
Mine is too full. I sometimes still think I am buying for a family. I am trying to make lists and stick to it.
Undoubtedly. It helps to occasionally cook a pantry meal or snack. Amazing how creative one becomes in order to clear the decks.
Mine is rather large, and is slightly too full
Stock a good Pantry. Have all I need for cooking, which I enjoy.
When I start a packet, jar, bottle, whatever, of any one commodity, it's listed & bought when next shopping, that way I don't 'run out'! That's just so annoying, & smacks of disorganisation!
No. I am pretty organised and I only buy things that I need on special. Every thing is placed where it can be seen so I can see if I have run out of anything or I am getting low on.. I go through the pantry every week before going shopping so I can see what I need and don't need. I have multiples of certain staples but they all get used. Nothing ever gets wasted or thrown out !!!
No, I can see what's in my pantry. I keep checking dates on jams, & chocolate biscutes. I keep the pasta in the fridge, so it doesn't get moths in the packets. Chocolate shouldn't be kept I the fridge. I only buy them if I see a new dark 1 we haven't had before! (We only have 1 square a night each. If it's Lindt, we have 1/2 a square each, because their bigger squares, but I'm mot supposed to be writing about chocolate, just pantry use!
My pantry is allways full,I can never find anything.
I've a large 10ft walk-in pantry and it is full. Packets are placed in large plastic containers and labelled. I do stock up on things I'm always using when on special and I cook a lot for my family so there's always stock there when I need it.
Had a big reorganise this morning preparatory to a weeding stint on Fraser Island where groceries are horrendously expensive. If I see items on special which suit my preparations, I purchase and keep plenty of stock on hand. I have just benefitted from a pantry giveaway by a neighbour who has just moved overseas. And I thought I had the world's most extensive supply of teas!
My pantry is over full, but at the end of the year I will give whatever I haven't used to charity.
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