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Is winter beautiful where you live?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Beauty (142)      Nature (53)      Winter (46)      Season (3)     


Winter comes in all variations: snow, hail, rain, wind, chill, mild, etc.

What is winter like where you live? Does it ever get beautiful in winter?

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I enjoy winter for the break it gives from the heat we have here for most of the year, which makes it much nicer to go out walking or running during the day, but visually it's nothing special. It never snows here and we rarely have frost. Most of the trees are evergreen so they don't look any different either.
Sometimes! When we have snow it's wonderful but then there's the awful dirty slush when the thaw comes.... the winter before last it snowed and snowed and snowed without really settling, so it was like being in a snow globe! Absolutely magical :)
Winter is beautiful where it snows, because fresh snow covers the trees and backyards in its pristine purity. In Melbourne, winter is mild, unless it gets very windy. I don't think it's beautiful.
I live in Sydney.
This has been one of the mildest winters I have ever seen on record.
Bright sunny, cold days. :)
I'm loving it right now, I have to say!
Not particularly.
by Vee
Not especially visually beautiful but I love winter because the cooler weather gives us some respite from that horrible summer heat!
Living in Australia I think it can only be beautiful if you are in a snow area.

As I am not, winter is not beautiful for me!

I hate the cold so prefer summer.
by Finy
I think the end of winter is lovely where I live, as many wildflowers start to bloom.
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