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Is this woman crazy?

by Vee (follow)
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Three-breasted woman
Image sourced from twitter.com/JasmineTridevil

No, you’re not seeing triple. Twenty-one year old American woman, Jasmine Tridevil, has undergone surgery to acquire a third breast. Jasmine claims she did it in order to appear unattractive to men. Looking at her Facebook page, it is clear this is not her intention, and even if that was true, I can’t see the logic.

Since undergoing surgery, Jasmine has hired a camera crew to follow her around and help document her struggles as a ‘three-breasted’ woman.

Is this woman sound? Surely she should have been counselled instead of operated on. I’m quite liberal when it comes to body modification, but were doctors right to grant the twenty-one year old her ridiculous request?

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#Body Modification
#Breast Augmentation
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Doctors must be paying for degrees online these days. How can the perform such a stupid operation. Reminds me of the lady who wanted to have an amputation because she felt one of her legs did not belong on her body. Seems like the patients are running the asylum.
by Gia
It's a hoax.


If someone really wanted to have three breasts I wouldn't have a problem with that personally. I mean, if it's their body, it's their right.
If it's a hoax, then I am very much relieved.
by Vee
Hmm. I have to admit, the thing I find weirdest is the camera crew... her "struggles" are pretty self inflicted.

I agree that the doctors shouldn't have operated without knowing that she had counselling. But then, I think that should probably be mandatory before ANY optional body surgery. The reasons are two fold. Just like a tattoo you are making a permanent decision about your body, but unlike with a tattoo, all surgery carries significant risks. Like, potentially fatal risks.

People should reflect on why they might be making this choice with the help of a professional before putting their lives in danger. A lot of people regret plastic surgeries in the years to come. Of course, I know an equal number of people who are very happy with theirs!
First I think that 'any' Doctor who does this, needs to have a serious look at their REASON for being a doctor.

Of late we are seeing more strange like humans, who have gone under the knife,of what can only be irresponsible doctors.

This new need we see with some people to look weird,tells that they may not
be in the right frame of mind.
So you have doctors who will not only take their money, but help with their quest to look as they do.
The whole thing is quite sick, from the doctors mostly.... to the weird thinking people.

I'm surprised doctors actually agreed to do this. By the sounds of it, she has done it for publicity more than anything else.
I'd be surprised if doctors DIDN'T do it if it involved making more money for their pockets.
by fran.
Very strange
She's pretty crazy alright.
That is a really strange one. At 21 you would have thought the surgeons would need to have a psychological evaluation done for this type of surgery. My friend had a breast reduction (for health reasons) and this required her to have a psych sign off. You'd imagine the same should happen to get three boobs?

After having a number of operations myself throughout my childhood and early adult years, I don't know why anyone would put themselves through unneccesary surgeries and health risks. To have a TV crew follow her around to document her 'suffering' is just terrible, and I hope this never gets aired, else I'd be afraid it would start a trend of other media hungry youngsters who would also 'modify' themselves for the sake of fame.

More than likely a hoax!
I do not believe this.
Here is a good site to check for hoaxes:

I cannot see it mentioned here however I still think it is a hoax!
by Finy
Here's the next question: What kind of idiots create these hoaxes?
Good one!
by Vee
Jeebus, two is company, three is a crowd. S'pose you could put one under each arm and the best pup in the middle.
Not al all. Definately not crazy ever. She is pregnant is having triplets. Simple solution to her growing needs.

HOAX. Ha ha.
Yes maybe you are correct. Triplets. Breast is best so she is just looking after the coming babies.
by fran.
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