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Is there too much pressure on women to lose weight post baby?

by Vee (follow)
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Pregnant woman
Image by Milan Nykodym

Five months following the birth of her child, Halle Berry has revealed the secret to her rapid weight loss: breastfeeding. She suggests, 'Every mother should breastfeed, it's the quickest way' shifting those post-baby kilos.

Do you think there is too much pressure on women to lose baby weight?

#Weight loss
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I personally believe that there is too much pressure for women to 'lose weight' in general. There is a cultural stigmata when it comes to the way women look, and it is unhealthy. Keeping on excess weight is also unhealthy but I don't believe that is the basis of the question, am I wrong there? If so then I am sorry for railroading your question but pressure to lose weight to 'look pretty' is wrong, losing weight to be healthy and happy is not. Pressuring someone to lose weight so you're happy with them is wrong, someone choosing to lose weight, because they are not at the fitness level they desire is not.
That's is what I was getting at. Thanks for your contribution Damien.
by Vee
Yes, there is. It's a shame that women are ever pressured about their weight, but even more of a shame during a time when they need to focus on being with their new baby. Enough with the expectation that it's our job to be pleasing for others to look at! Besides, your baby will find you the best thing in the world to look at regardless what you weigh.

There are plenty of good reasons to breastfeed, but weight loss shouldn't be the main one. It doesn't even work as weight loss for all women. I would say it did for me but I don't know. I breastfed a lot and I lost weight quickly, but I was also stressed out (after my first baby anyway), lacking sleep etc so those might have been factors, and all the walking I did would have helped.
Some great pints raised there Jennifer. Thanks for your input.
by Vee
Yes there is too much pressure. Media drives this perfect body image and many girls are trying to be something they are not. *sigh* :(
I think too many celebrities everywhere flaunt their bodies and a lot have personal trainers to get their bodies looking great. This can have a depressing attitude on young mothers. My body went back to its normal shape after my first child without breast feeding but with the next two it expanded. Take me as you see me, or not.
I really don't think so.

I do know that because I could not breast feed, my weight did not go.
I was quite depressed...and in a no win win, for me.
When I had children, admittedly a long time ago, there was absolutely no pressure.

However as time goes on, there seems to be more pressure on women in general to look "skinny".

Part of this is because the models are always so skinny, they sometimes look sick. I believe they should use larger size models as this would be more realistic, and perhaps that would stop expectations of a skinny woman.

It is hard enough to be up several times a night with a new baby, and to cope, and I think each individual will either bow to that pressure or as many do, just ignore it!
by Finy
Heaps of pressure
I think it's more of the pressure that new mums put on themselves. Giving birth to new life is such a beautiful experience - we should learn to savour it and take our time as well as give time to our body to recover from such a major change.
So many people, especially those who have never given birth seem to be surprised that your body has not regained its prior shape.
by Gia
I think age may have something to do with that. I think our bodies are more resilient when we are younger than when we are older. Apart from my yucky looking skin and my drooping breasts, the rest of me has, for the most part, gone back to how it used to be. What I don't understand is how celebrities' bodies appear to be unchanged by pregnancy and birthing - it's as if they haven't actually had children. Though I suppose the reality of it all is mediated by the media.
by Vee
Yes, especially in the media. A woman should be focusing on her new baby, not her weight. But unfortunately the "baby weight" issue gets plastered all over magazine stands, the internet, etc.
Yes, far too much pressure, and quite often by other women.
Then... there's the pressure on women who choose not to have children.
Women put the pressure on themselves. They also don't open there eyes in classes before baby is born. I know I didn't. They need to ask questions too, about what will return to the prebaby state and what won't. But more importantly, watch the films etc. in prebaby classes - it helps to reduce the shock post-baby.
the weight is of no concern but if you are not healthy for the sake of the child you are being a good parent period.
I think women re under pressure to lose weight all the time, and I'm sick of it, there are all sorts of reason's as to why a women may not be able to loose weight easily, and I wish the pressure would back off, we have enough on our plates as it is! why can't we be accepted for who we are, and not what we look like. I don't beleive the super slim models have a fairy tale life either!
Diana, I'm with you woman! Just the other day, I was telling my sister to imagine what women could achieve if we - like men - were able to go about our days without much thought to how we look!
by Vee
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