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Is there something you have wanted to try but have been scared to?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Adventure (31)      Fear (29)      Challenge (3)      Daring (1)     

Rollercoaster - Photo in the Public Domain via Pixabay
Photo: Pixabay

Fear is the natural instinct that serves to protect us.

Is there something you have wanted to try but been scared to? Skydiving? Bungee Jumping? Roller Coaster?

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I would like to have had the courage to bungee jump but I have a fear of heights. Many years ago when it was first popular I was in Kuranda in the Appleton Tablelands and they were bungee jumping from a crane. I stood at the base and looked at it for such a long timebefore I accepted I was never going to doit and moved on.
Atherton Tablelands
by Lluxi
Danged auto-correct.
by Rice
I would like to drive a very fast car. It probably will never happen but I'll keep dreaming.
Would have loved to do 'white-river-rafting', big time!
I've always wanted to experience a roller coaster ride, but haven't had the opportunity yet.
I have never wanted to try something I am scared of. I simply can't understand jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane or flinging oneself from a great height with rubber and rope around one's ankles.
by Rice
You make a good point Rice. Last year I held a snake for c the first c time. I was really scared but I managed to do it. That"s the most adveturous thing I've done so far.
Snakes - no problem . . . however, if it was a spider I would be off into the distance. I find that snakes feel so interesting - smoother than I expected and so muscular. I had a tiny baby snake get inside my jacket for warmth. So cute.
by Rice
Did you feel less afraid of the snake after that Gayle? You were brave to do this, by the way, good for you :-)
by Rice
I couldn't have said it better myself, Rice.
by Vee
I have done most extreme sports. Scuba.. skydiving.. rafting... skiing .. roller coasters. I was a bit of an adrenaline junkie in my 20s.

These days I am calmer and don't feel there is anything I particular want to do "thrill-wise"

No. If I am afraid to do something, I typically don't want to do it...that seems logical to me...
by Vee
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