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Is there any ONE make up you do not leave home without putting on?

by Finy (follow)
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Make Up (16)      Cosmetics (12)     

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Is there one particular make up that you would wear most days (e.g lipstick, moisturiser)?

How long does it take you to put on?

#Make up
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No, I do not even wear lipstick every day -too lazy -cant see the point most of the time as it wear off so quickly on me, despite buy long lasting ones etc.

I put a moisturiser on my face after a shower however that is all.

In my younger days I would have worn eye shadow much of the time, but nowadays I can't find my eyes without glasses, let alone put something on them !!!
by Finy
I have owned and thrown out more make up in my time than I could list here. Foolish. I have not bothered for years as it is just a waste. I feel uncomfortable in make up, plus . . horses, dogs, cats, birds et al do not care what we look like and I don't care what other people think so it's all fine and dandy. PS, I look like Joseph Merrick. Boo!
by Rice
LOL - i agree Rice! perhaps as we age, we do not care about other people any more??
by Finy
Yes. Ain't it grand . . !!!??
by Rice
by jonaja

There was a time....I would not go out without it!
NOW........I could care less, only to certain things do I use it...Like church, meetings, etc.

Life later in life is very freeing :)
I'm sure our pores will thank us jonaj:-))))
by Rice
My sunscreen is tinted, so there's that if you count it. Otherwise nah. I wear it sometimes if I feel like it but not every day.
I only use lip gloss because my lips get chapped easily. It often takes such a long time to get ready especially with children. I'll do hats if hair is taking too long.
by Gia
Yes, moisturiser.
I have not bothered with make up for many many long years!!! On the rare occasions I might venture out for an evening,I will use a bit of subtle blush,a nice eyeshadow and soft pencil liner,and a pretty lipstick in a soft feminine shade. Living in the tropics,it is just too hot and uncomfortable to wear make up during the day!!!
I don't wear a lot of make up. I wear it when I go out but not day to day. When I do wear it, eyeliner is something I must have on. I guess I must have become proficient at putting on make up because it only takes a few minutes.
Every morning I make sure that I am wearing no make up before I leave the house. LOL. I seldom wear make up. It would have to be a very special occasion for me to get my lippy on.
by Vee
Moisturiser, on face, arms, & legs.
Lipstick, to match outfit.
I hate NOT having lipstick on!

The last time I had to put on face powder, eyeshadow or mascara was last August, having to attend a Formal Dinner, at which His Excellency, General Sir Peter Cosgrove was present.

Didn't wear make-up to work, except lippy, for probably 40 years, unless I had to be in the front-line.

My skin is flawless, no crows' feet or wrinkles, & I ain't no spring chicken anymore!

Application only takes a few minutes'. Have to refresh lippy after eating/drinking, of course!

Always use moisturiser on my face. When I was working it was moisturiser, very light foundation to the point of barely noticing I have any on but nothing other than moisturiser on the weekends as I believe the skin needs a break.
Only lipstick! I seemed to have aged, all of a sudden, & I look even older, when I don't wear it, when I'm going out. Of cause I don't wear it for my morning walks only moisturiser. Yesterday, however, I also added foundation & powder, 1st time in years, for a Blood Bank donation do we were going to at Luna Park, in the Crystal Ballroom. Nothing formal, just 2 hrs in the morning. (I've only donated 103 times.) I even remembered to wash it off, when I came home!
by Miro
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