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Is there any food you refuse to eat?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by slowfoot, sourced from morguefile.com

Is there any food that you refuse to eat?

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Way too many to list.

Like different, but have to draw the line at some dishes.

Once I see it, ask what is in, and in some cases smell it.
Then I make my mind up.

Insect's are off limits and rats - spiders - mice you name it!...I would starve before eating that stuff!!!!! seriously.
I'm totally with you. Also, anything that has been used for thinking or filtering, like brains or offal . . . . bleargh!!
by Rice
Quite a few. Beef, pork, chicken, dairy products due to ethical objections and digestive issues, and liquorice because I just don't like it.
I'm with you on liquorice, Jennifer. The smell of it makes me nauseous.
by Vee
Good idea to stay away from liquorice. It can send your blood pressure skyrocketing and cause swollen ankles etc. from fluid retention. Very under reported here in Australia, but very much reported in USA and UK. I would be very interested in how many people have been put on blood pressure medication (which is very hard to get off) because of the indulgence in liquorice and liquorice candy. Doesn't always have to be OVER indulgence either.
by fran.
Melon, cucumber, salmon. They all make me gag.
I don't like liquorice and will never try to eat insects or worms! Also, no internal organs!!
There probably are. Offal, tuna and any curry that is EXTREMELY hot spring to mind. I don't like beetroot or watermelon. I am pretty okay with most foods though. Not too picky.
Yes - mince. I've hated this since I was a child, actually makes me want to vomit. Don't eat anything with mince in it.
Actually should also mention butter and marge too - yuk! Have never eaten either.
by norma
I'll try almost anything once. I went to South America once and was told I might have to try raw monkey brains (EEEK!!! GULP) Thank God it never materialized. I'll stay clear of anything that has the potential to kill me (FUGU), rotten meat and such. No horse, cat, dog, rat etc. raw meat, road kill and I could go on.
For regular foo
Food I do not like artificial/chemicals in food
by dwatk
PEAS. Tongue. Tripe. Brussels Sprouts. Artichoke. Lasagne.

But love Lamb's Fry & Bacon, with Mash, & Gravy.
Grilled Kidneys.
Crumbed Brains.
Oysters, anyway.

Go figure!
Anchovies. Yuk!!!
Neither does my husband, Juicylucy. I think you are both missing out. :P
by Vee
I eat most foods -do not like brains
by Finy
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