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Is there any food you hated as a kid but like as an adult?

by meggf (follow)
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Taste changes as you get older. Is there anything you HATED as a kid but enjoy as an adult?

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I hated avocadoes as a kid but I love them now.
I was the fussiest kid ever, now I try to eat most things put in front of me. As a kid, I often would refuse to try things. I would decide I didn't like them before I even There are few foods I don't like now - mushrooms and cooked fish are about it.
There are so many foods I hated as a kid, but now like. These are mainly vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. I didn't used to like rice pudding or custard, but I like them now too.
I hated ham and cheese, and I hated pizza. I like ham and cheese now, and homemade pizza is the best! I also didn't like olives and love them now.
You hated pizza?!?! I didn't think that was possible, particularly for a kid.
LOL, how is it possible to hate pizza?
by Vee
I was a very fussy eater as a child and I would say that I now eat about half of the foods I used to hate. I was odd in that I loved most vegetables, it was other things I couldn't tolerate like seafood, brown bread, soup with bits in.... my mum had a rule that I had to try food at least once, I wasn't allowed to say I didn't like it if I hadn't tried it, but after that, if I really didn't want to eat something she never made me. This was good, as it has turned out that a lot of the things I didn't like are actually bad for me as I cannot digest them properly.
by Vee
I hated garlic and onions as a child but I can't imagine cooking without them now. They are a definite must-have in my cooking arsenal.
by Gia
pumpkin it used to have hard bits which we called a woody pumpkin do not see that nowadays.

what had happened to the Queensland blue pumpkins cannot buy them now I wonder is it because of the hard to remove skins on them. in my mind these are the best pumpkins
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