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Is there a sport that you find confusing?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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For the longest time, I couldn't figure out the rules of golf. I found it so confusing that I just didn't find it interesting. Then I decided to study the rules and once I understood them, it began to make sense and I took interest in it. There are other sports which I see people playing but don't know the name or find them confusing.

Are there are any sports that you find confusing and see no point to them?

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Even though my son has played soccer for a while and I have watched just about all his games, I still don't understand all the rules.
American Football. :(
I can not understand it at all, and the rules! don't get me started.
I give up!
I generally find all sports enjoyable, however I just struggle with cricket. I can't figure out why someone would spend the whole day in the sun playing a sport that seems to take so long to play!
Croquet is also pretty confusing.
Lawn bowls confuses me, and so does pool sometimes.
I agree with chipp. I am so confused about cricket. I have no idea what some of the things mean in this game.
Football. Unless it's a final, I can't see why people get so excited about it. Especially in the last couple of years. There now seem to be so many rules that stop the play and are called as penalties that it takes all the fun out of watching it.
Cricket for me, so lost! So boring for me also...
I find ALL sports confusing apart from tennis.
I do not follow any sport and do not enjoy watching it, so have never learnt much about any except swimming and tennis and Olympic Games sports.
by Finy
American Football but I dont see the point of Test Cricket. They play all day to mostly empty seats and they do this for 3-5 days
by Gia
Cricket is very confusing game that i didn't understand it.
Nearly ALL sports'! And notice, 95% are male player dominated sports!

I only understand:
Swimming, Tennis, Netball, & Polo, because I've played them!
Chess. Call it a sport, I'm not sure. I haven't the foggiest how to play, the rules, nada!
most of them. why hit a ball over a net with a raquet, just to have someone on the othe3r side do the same?
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