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Is there a particular fruit that you eat MOST days?

by Finy (follow)
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Is there a particular fruit that you would eat on most days?

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I used to eat an apple every night after dinner.

THEN I DISCOVERED ICE CREAM AGAIN! I had not eaten ice cream for years as had been putting on weight and it has a lot of sugar in it.

I made the mistake of once buying ice cream, and that was the end of will-power!

I now have about 5 different ice cream in my freezer, and lo and behold, the apple a day seems to have disappeared.

I have one at least once a week on my "diet" day where I only have 500 calories, but no, I do not have a piece of fruit on most days.
by Finy
I have a banana and blueberries every morning and I have 2 apples every day
by AJ
I drink a smoothie every morning, so I do eat frozen blueberries and a banana in it every day.
Have an apple every day and heaps of vegies
by fran
I have a banana or sultans with my breakfast.
I have a banana or sultans with my breakfast.
I'm not much of a fruit eater but I don like a juicy orange on a hot day.
Oranges, apples, blueberries. I also have apricots quite a lot and in the summer I eat nectarines all day long. Oh and in the autumn I tend to pig out on plums. And rhubarb in the spring. Yummmmmmmm I love fruit :)
I adore ALL fruit,I live on it most days!! Cherries, lychees,nectarines,strawberries,passion fruit, grapes,plums,melon of all types,lady finger bananas....whatever is available,I will eat!!
Nana! I have a banana every morning tea at work - brain food. Don't feel right if I don't have one. Nearly killed me a few years ago when they went up to $15 a kilo!
At the very least I have some mango and raspberries each day. I eat a lot of oranges too.
by Rice
I enjoy a banana with my 'Rice Bubbles', & milk.

But usually eat another piece of fruit daily.
Yesty, it was a beautiful squishy-ripe, cold Persimmon! Yummy!
Yes, banana, blueberries, strawberries & tin fruit on my serial for every breakfast!
by Miro
PS: Plus 1/4 of an apple after dinner, if I remember to buy some when I go shopping!
by Miro
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