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Is the G20 Summit a positive event for Brisbane or a negative?

by Therese B (follow)
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G20 protest
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

There have been a lot of differing opinions on holding the G20 Summit in Brisbane this weekend. Some people say it is great for our economy and for showcasing Brisbane to the world where others think it is an inconvenience to the residents of Brisbane in regards to the extra security, public transport changes and closure of roads. What do you think?

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I'm of two minds on this one. It's great for hoteliers to have 100 per cent occupancy for the week and the Council/Govt is going to a lot of trouble to make sure the inner city looks great for all the visitors. However I think all the publicity with major road closures & public transport changes has unnecessarily scared a lot of people out of the city. They are asking people to come in to the city over the G20 weekend for "celebrations" but there's no way I'm going anywhere near the CBD - it's all too difficult. I'm really hoping we don't get any of the violent protests that we've seen in previous summits with the destruction of property etc. That would be a real negative. I also feel sorry for all the small businesses e.g. cafes etc who will be losing a day's trading with the public holiday on Friday - this would normally be one of their busiest days. It will be interesting to see what develops this weekend.
We'll see.
by Vee
These summits are held in all different countries, and so far I do not think it has shown a positive impact on any of them - a lot if the reason has to do with them being a waste of time because the politicians can never come to an agreement.
I think it's great publicity for Australia, it will promote discussion of policy issues and international financial stability.
If it's good for local economy then why not.

I think anyone that is against it because of a silly reason such as their public transport is going to be disrupted should look at it on a bigger scale.
I think if anyone is against it, it is for a combination of factors rather than just one simple one like public transport. One good thing is that it seems to have been relatively quiet in regards to anyone wanting to cause trouble around the city.
I would like to think that Aussie can put up with some inconvenience, for something as big as this!
We are quite set apart from the rest of the world in terms of distance.

How about we be brave this one time, and try to be grown up like the rest of the people coming..

here's the 's' ment to go on the end of Aussie.....sorry.
by jonaja
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