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Is the dingo vilified unnecessarily?

by grann (follow)
Animals (118)      Environment (72)      Nature (53)      Fraser Island (2)      Dingoes (1)      Endangered Animals (1)     

After a fatal dingo attack on Fraser Island some years ago, this animal has come under stringent controls, particularly on that island. Could we be seeing the end of a pure strain of that animal?

#Fraser Island
#Endangered Animals
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There are not any dingos where I am, but I feel like there is a similar vilification of foxes in our area. What we have to remember is that these are wild animals, and are unpredictable, but that does not mean we should go out with a shot gun just because they pose a slight danger. That is how animals become endangered or extinct.

Many people condemn villagers in places like Africa for shooting animals such as tigers if they encroach into human habited areas, but that is no different from taking action against a dingo.
I think we need to keep the Dingo, but people need to be more smart .
No I can't see the pure strain going.I just can not see that happening.
One of the biggest problems on Fraser has been the illegal feeding of dingoes. The animals then expect every human to be a source of food. When they show a keen interest in a person, and that person runs, that's when the dog's natural instincts kick in. Two important rules on Fraser - don't feed the doingoes and don't leave children unsupervised. For those who think the animals are starving because of their lean build, observe them for a while and watch how they can forage from their natural surroundings. They are lean because of parasites or their ability to travel kilometres over a short period of time.
by grann
What an interesting question. If the dingo continues to cause harm then for sure. A difficult question to answer as this animal is also Gods creation.
I'm sure this depends on whether people still see them as a threat and try to hunt dingos. It also depends on how well they adapt to possible changes in environment.
The Dingo is a powerful totem/symbol in traditional Aboriginal culture, so I think it needs to be given much more respect than it currently receives.
by Lucy
I'm with you, Lucy. I have seen how seriously the indigenous population of Fraser Island revere their heritage.
by grann
They're wild, dangerous animals', & thankfully get culled, but far too infrequently.
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